El Día de la Tierra se celebra el 22 de Abril de 2008 en todo el mundo. En España, una serie de instituciones y muchos geólogos se han ofrecido para pasar un día explicando cómo trabajan y cómo es nuestro planeta.
Puedes encontrar mucha información sobre las actividades que se van a celebrar en cada comunidad autónoma en la web del Día de la Tierra.
Puedes incorporarte a muchas actividades con sólo presentarte en el lugar de encuentro propuesto. Allí encontrarás varios profesionales y estudiantes dispuestos a pasar unas horas en lugares donde es más fácil entender los misterios del planeta, en laboratorios donde se investiga la complejidad de procesos y materiales o yacimientos de recursos naturales de los que dependemos...
sábado, abril 19, 2008
viernes, abril 18, 2008
Presentación libro sobre aves del Moncayo
El proximo martes 22 de abril se va a presentar una nueva publicación titulada "Las aves y su entorno natural. Paseos guiados por la Comarca de Tarazona y el Moncayo" que edita dentro de la Serie Difusión el Consejo de Protección de la Naturaleza de Aragón en colaboración con la Comarca de Tarazona y el Moncayo. En esta amena publicación sus autores, Manuel Mercadal Ferreruela y Javier Gomollón Pérez, plantean al lector diferentes itinerarios ornitológicos por la comarca eligiendo a las aves como anfitriones naturales de estos recorridos.
El acto tendrá lugar a las 19:00 horas en el Salón de Plenos del Ayuntamiento de Tarazona (Zaragoza), y en el transcurso del mismo Javier Lucientes Curdi, Profesor Titular de Patología Animal de la Universidad de Zaragoza, impartirá una conferencia sobre las aves y sus hábitats en la Comarca de Tarazona y el Moncayo.
El acto tendrá lugar a las 19:00 horas en el Salón de Plenos del Ayuntamiento de Tarazona (Zaragoza), y en el transcurso del mismo Javier Lucientes Curdi, Profesor Titular de Patología Animal de la Universidad de Zaragoza, impartirá una conferencia sobre las aves y sus hábitats en la Comarca de Tarazona y el Moncayo.
jueves, abril 17, 2008
Base de datos de fósiles de invertebrados en internet
Se puede consultar por internet la base de datos de los ejemplares fósiles de invertebrados depositados en la Paleontological Research Institution (EE.UU.). Esta colección tiene casí 15.000 ejemplares fundamentalmente de moluscos cenozoicos. Se pueden hacer búsquedas múltiples. Os adjuntamos la información que nos ha llegado
The Paleontological Research Institution is in the final phases of the computerization of its Type and Figured Specimen Collection. This NSF-funded project has resulted in the creation of an online database of one of the largest and most important invertebrate paleontology type collections in the United States. This portion of PRI's collections contains more than 14,800 specimens, with a major focus on Cenozoic molluscs. The collection also includes most of the types formerly in the Cornell University invertebrate fossil collection, which were transferred to PRI during the 1970s. Many of the specimens included in the database are published in PRI’s flagship journal, Bulletins of American Paleontology (the oldest paleontological periodical in the United States). The new PRI Collections database homepage www.pricollectionsdatabase.org provides detailed information about the types deposited in the Collection. Locality, stratigraphic, and publication information of each individual type can be accessed online as well as images of the primary types and their original labels. We are also pleased to announce that we are now part of Paleoportal, http://www.paleoportal.org, which enables us to
integrate our online specimen data with those of other major collections
The Paleontological Research Institution is in the final phases of the computerization of its Type and Figured Specimen Collection. This NSF-funded project has resulted in the creation of an online database of one of the largest and most important invertebrate paleontology type collections in the United States. This portion of PRI's collections contains more than 14,800 specimens, with a major focus on Cenozoic molluscs. The collection also includes most of the types formerly in the Cornell University invertebrate fossil collection, which were transferred to PRI during the 1970s. Many of the specimens included in the database are published in PRI’s flagship journal, Bulletins of American Paleontology (the oldest paleontological periodical in the United States). The new PRI Collections database homepage www.pricollectionsdatabase.org provides detailed information about the types deposited in the Collection. Locality, stratigraphic, and publication information of each individual type can be accessed online as well as images of the primary types and their original labels. We are also pleased to announce that we are now part of Paleoportal, http://www.paleoportal.org, which enables us to
integrate our online specimen data with those of other major collections
Puestos de tabajo en el UCL (Londres)
2 puestos de trabajo para la University College de Londres. Os adjuntamos la información
The Research Department of Genetics, Environment & Evolution seeks two outstanding scientists to undertake research and teaching in evolution, ecology, environmental biology or related disciplines that will complement our existing strengths. One of the posts will be jointly held with the Department of Earth Sciences and will focus on Palaeobiology.The appointments will be on the Lecturer or Senior Lecturer scales (Grade 8: £34,793 - £41,545 plus £2,649 London allowance or Grade 9: £45,397 - £49,606 plus £2,649 London allowance). Candidates should have a minimum of three years post-doctoral experience. The successful candidates will establish independent, externally-funded research groups and contribute to teaching of our BSc degree programmes. The Departments of G.E.E. and Earth Sciences were rated highly (5) in the last National Research Assessment and 24/24 for the last Teaching Quality Assessment.
Application forms can be obtained from Caroline Gougerty, Office Manager (c.gougerty@ucl.ac.uk tel +44 (0)207 679 7011) or from the department website. Candidates should also include a full c.v. including a complete list of publications and a covering letter outlining their suitability for the post.Informal inquiries can be directed to the Head of Department, Prof Steve Jones (j.s.jones@ucl.ac.uk). Appointees are hoped to be in post by October 2008. We particularly welcome female applicants and those from an ethnic minority, as they are under-represented within UCL at these levels. The closing date for applications is Friday, 2nd May 2008.
The Research Department of Genetics, Environment & Evolution seeks two outstanding scientists to undertake research and teaching in evolution, ecology, environmental biology or related disciplines that will complement our existing strengths. One of the posts will be jointly held with the Department of Earth Sciences and will focus on Palaeobiology.The appointments will be on the Lecturer or Senior Lecturer scales (Grade 8: £34,793 - £41,545 plus £2,649 London allowance or Grade 9: £45,397 - £49,606 plus £2,649 London allowance). Candidates should have a minimum of three years post-doctoral experience. The successful candidates will establish independent, externally-funded research groups and contribute to teaching of our BSc degree programmes. The Departments of G.E.E. and Earth Sciences were rated highly (5) in the last National Research Assessment and 24/24 for the last Teaching Quality Assessment.
Application forms can be obtained from Caroline Gougerty, Office Manager (c.gougerty@ucl.ac.uk tel +44 (0)207 679 7011) or from the department website. Candidates should also include a full c.v. including a complete list of publications and a covering letter outlining their suitability for the post.Informal inquiries can be directed to the Head of Department, Prof Steve Jones (j.s.jones@ucl.ac.uk). Appointees are hoped to be in post by October 2008. We particularly welcome female applicants and those from an ethnic minority, as they are under-represented within UCL at these levels. The closing date for applications is Friday, 2nd May 2008.
miércoles, abril 16, 2008
Puestos de trabajo en el ICP
El ICP es el Institut Català de Paleontologia que en su apartado de bolsa de trabajo hace varias propuestas de contratos postdoctorales y becas predoctorales para estudiar material de vertebrados, especialmente mamíferoso de Cataluña depositados en el Institut. Se puede consultar de manera periódica en http://www.icp.cat/borsa.php?lang=cat para ver las novedades que se van colgando. Por ejemplo la última que se puede consultar es un puesto pos-doctoral para estudiar la paleoecologia de los mamíferos neógenos del yacimiento de los Casots.