Este año parece que empieza animado con las propuestas de trabajo. Os adjuntamos una conservador en el Museo de Historia Natural de Dinamarca.
The Natural History Museum of Denmark (NHMD) is searching for a Collections Manager.
The Natural History Museum of Denmark is searching for a Collections Manager to help coordinate and oversee its zoological, botanical, palaeontological, and geological collections. This position will be supervised by the Head of Collections and is open from April 1st 2013.
About the Natural History Museum of Denmark
The Natural History Museum of Denmark is the Danish national museum for zoology, botany and geology, and it contains large global scientific collections of preserved animals, plants, fossils, and minerals. In its current form the museum was established on January 1, 2004 by the merging of four long-standing institutions: the Botanic Garden, the Botanical Museum & Central Library, the Geological Museum, and the Zoological Museum.
Even though the Natural History Museum of Denmark is young, the history of the individual departments and collections can be traced back to the 17th century. A new museum of natural history in the Botanical Garden is being planned ( and will present the museum with a number of big challenges in relation to the coming move of the collections, the establishment of new storage facilities and new exhibits.
The collection support staff collaborates with the Head of Collections, the scientific curators of the museum and the members of the exhibitions department in the curation of specimens, including preparation, preservation, registration, etc. The collection support staff is organized in a cross-cutting unit under the Head of Collections. The Natural History Museum of Denmark is part of the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen, and therefore host and supervise undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as postdocs that use the museum collections for their research. The museum is an international institution with many foreign students and researchers and English is widely used as working language.
Primary tasks
* To assist the Head of Collections with the coordination and management of the zoological, botanical, and geological collections.
* To help facilitate the use of these collections by all users, e.g., NHMD Curators and other Scientific Staff, exhibits, students, visiting scientists, and to support the collection management activities of all divisions.
The Collections Manager's specific responsibilities will include:
* Management and coordination of collection curation in conformance with NHMD policies and procedures.
* Help define, formulate and prepare collection management policies, standards and procedures.
* Actively participate and if required head various collection management committees.
* Represent the Head of Collection in various committees and professional organizations.
* Plan, coordinate and implement the move of collections from the old museums storages to new facilities when the new museum is built.
* Participate in the planning and coordination of new collection facilities in the new museum.
* Assist with grant-writing to support museum operations and improvements.
* Coordinate and produce internal as well as external reports on collection matters.
* Supervision and coordination of collections compliance activities including internal and external reports.
* Help coordinate the stockroom and the purchase of supplies for collection management.
* Coordinate the conservation care of the collections.
* Administrate the loan database at NHMD (users, passwords, reports etc.).
* Initiate and coordinate relevant tests and measurements of materials and equipment.
* Other collection related duties as required.
* If required assist with the curation of selected collection(s) (depending on professional background).
* If desired participate in fieldwork in Denmark and abroad.
* MSc in biology, geology, conservation and restoration or related field is required;
* Collections management experience (from natural history museums).
* Relevant computer skills.
* Must be self-directed and have the ability to work independently.
* Strong social and collaborative skills.
* Good English language skills are required (spoken and written).
* Good abilities to communicate orally as well as in writing.
* Driving license is advantageous.
Additional information
More information about the position can be obtained by contacting the Head of collections, Nikolaj Scharff (phone: +45 35 32 11 07; e-mail: More general information about the Natural History Museum of Denmark is available from our website
jueves, enero 17, 2013
Limpieza de la Cueva del Muerto en Epila, Zaragoza
De la Federación Aragonesa de Espeleología nos ha llegado una solicitud de ayuda para limpiar la Cueva del Muerto. Esta cueva es una de las clásicas en Aragón para comenzar en la espeleología. A lo largo de los años se ha acumulado una gran cantidad de basura que se está procediendo a su retirada. Si alguno de nuestros lectores puede y quiere participar aquí está la información que nos ha llegado:
El día 3 del próximo mes de febrero se va a proceder a una segunda fase de limpieza de la Cueva del Muerto en Épila (Zaragoza).
La actividad, organizada por el E.C. Zaragoza y auspiciada por la F.A.E., esta abierta a la participación de todos los federados de los distintos clubes.
La persona de contacto es Miguel-Ángel López Cabeza con el correo electrónico
Esperando contar con la participación de algunos de vosotros, recibid un cordial saludo
El día 3 del próximo mes de febrero se va a proceder a una segunda fase de limpieza de la Cueva del Muerto en Épila (Zaragoza).
La actividad, organizada por el E.C. Zaragoza y auspiciada por la F.A.E., esta abierta a la participación de todos los federados de los distintos clubes.
La persona de contacto es Miguel-Ángel López Cabeza con el correo electrónico
Esperando contar con la participación de algunos de vosotros, recibid un cordial saludo
Puestos de profesores en el University College de Londres
Se han ofertado dos puestos de trabajo de profesores en el Institute of Earth and Planetary Sciences at University College London/Birkbeck. Os la adjuntamos
Job Title: Lecturer/Senior-Lecturer in Earth and Planetary Sciences
Post: This is a full time permanent position
Departments: Earth Sciences (UCL) and Earth and Planetary Sciences (Birkbeck)
Grade: Appointments will be made at a level depending upon qualifications and experience. Job titles will be Lecturer or Senior
Lecturer depending upon qualifications and experience.
Associated Grades will be:
Lecturer: Grade 8
Salary Range: £40,216 - £47,441 inclusive of £2,834 London Allowance
Senior Lecturer: Grade 9
Salary Range: £51,563 - £56,067 inclusive of £2,834 London Allowance
Main purpose of the job:
To carry out research, teaching and administration within the Institute of Earth and Planetary Sciences (IEPS), UCL/Birkbeck
All academic staff are expected to demonstrate their ongoing commitment to academic excellence; that is, to the conduct of research, publication, teaching, enabling and other forms of knowledge transfer, at the highest levels of international achievement.
Closing Date: Thursday, 31st January, 2013.
For further information and details of how to apply, please go to Posts can be found using reference number 1299921 .
Job Title: Lecturer/Senior-Lecturer in Earth and Planetary Sciences
Post: This is a full time permanent position
Departments: Earth Sciences (UCL) and Earth and Planetary Sciences (Birkbeck)
Grade: Appointments will be made at a level depending upon qualifications and experience. Job titles will be Lecturer or Senior
Lecturer depending upon qualifications and experience.
Associated Grades will be:
Lecturer: Grade 8
Salary Range: £40,216 - £47,441 inclusive of £2,834 London Allowance
Senior Lecturer: Grade 9
Salary Range: £51,563 - £56,067 inclusive of £2,834 London Allowance
Main purpose of the job:
To carry out research, teaching and administration within the Institute of Earth and Planetary Sciences (IEPS), UCL/Birkbeck
All academic staff are expected to demonstrate their ongoing commitment to academic excellence; that is, to the conduct of research, publication, teaching, enabling and other forms of knowledge transfer, at the highest levels of international achievement.
Closing Date: Thursday, 31st January, 2013.
For further information and details of how to apply, please go to Posts can be found using reference number 1299921 .
miércoles, enero 16, 2013
Jornadas sobre Darwin. Del Big Bang al Hombre
Nuestra aragosaurera Gloria Cuenca va a participar en unas jornadas
sobre Darwin que se van a celebrar en Zaragoza. Son unas jornadas de
divulgación que se van a celebrar en el Patio de la Infanta de Ibercaja
en Zaragoza los próximos días 25 y 26 de Enero. Nos ha llegado el
programa, con los ponentes y los títulos. Se trata de unas jornadas
abiertas a todo el público. Os adjuntamos la información.
La Obra Social de Ibercaja y el Institut Français de Zaragoza organizan estas Jornadas sobre Darwin y sus teorías del origen de la vida y del universo. Científicos y expertos en la materia de España y Francia reflexionarán sobre su obra, su legado y aquellos aspectos de sus teorías que siguen siendo motivo de estudio y debate.
Se hablará sobre el universo evolutivo, el asociacionismo atómico y molecular (Big - Bang) y sobre el origen de la vida y la simbiosis y mutualismo, desde distintas perspectivas y con exposiciones teóricas breves de los diferentes ponentes invitados, coordinados desde Brive, Francia por Jean-Marie Pelt, presidente del Instituto Europeo de Ecología en Metz, y desde Zaragoza por Miguel Ángel Sabadell, editor de Ciencia de la revista «Muy Interesante». La novedad de este encuentro es la conexión en directo, vía Skype, con el Centro Cultural «Les 13 Arches» de Brive, tanto para la apertura como para la clausura de las jornadas e intercambios entre los científicos de ambos países.
25 de enero
8.45 h. Acto de apertura. Manuel López. Rector Magnífico. Universidad de Zaragoza. Conexión vía Skype entre Brive, Francia y Zaragoza, España.
9.15 h. DARWIN: CONTEXTO HISTÓRICO - CIENTÍFICO Y SU OBRA. Gloria Cuenca. Profesora titular de Paleontología. Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Zaragoza. María Victoria Arruga. Catedrática de Genética. Laboratorio de Citogenética y Genética Molecular. Departamento de Anatomía, Embriología y Genética Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Zaragoza.
Luis Alberto Anel. Profesor titular. Laboratorio de Apoptosis, Inmunidad y Cáncer. Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y Celular. Universidad de Zaragoza.
La Obra Social de Ibercaja y el Institut Français de Zaragoza organizan estas Jornadas sobre Darwin y sus teorías del origen de la vida y del universo. Científicos y expertos en la materia de España y Francia reflexionarán sobre su obra, su legado y aquellos aspectos de sus teorías que siguen siendo motivo de estudio y debate.
Se hablará sobre el universo evolutivo, el asociacionismo atómico y molecular (Big - Bang) y sobre el origen de la vida y la simbiosis y mutualismo, desde distintas perspectivas y con exposiciones teóricas breves de los diferentes ponentes invitados, coordinados desde Brive, Francia por Jean-Marie Pelt, presidente del Instituto Europeo de Ecología en Metz, y desde Zaragoza por Miguel Ángel Sabadell, editor de Ciencia de la revista «Muy Interesante». La novedad de este encuentro es la conexión en directo, vía Skype, con el Centro Cultural «Les 13 Arches» de Brive, tanto para la apertura como para la clausura de las jornadas e intercambios entre los científicos de ambos países.
25 de enero
8.45 h. Acto de apertura. Manuel López. Rector Magnífico. Universidad de Zaragoza. Conexión vía Skype entre Brive, Francia y Zaragoza, España.
9.15 h. DARWIN: CONTEXTO HISTÓRICO - CIENTÍFICO Y SU OBRA. Gloria Cuenca. Profesora titular de Paleontología. Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Zaragoza. María Victoria Arruga. Catedrática de Genética. Laboratorio de Citogenética y Genética Molecular. Departamento de Anatomía, Embriología y Genética Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Zaragoza.
Luis Alberto Anel. Profesor titular. Laboratorio de Apoptosis, Inmunidad y Cáncer. Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y Celular. Universidad de Zaragoza.
martes, enero 15, 2013
Life Traces of the Georgia Coast: Revealing the Unseen Lives of Plants and Animals
Un libro que parece interesante y una pequeña reseña en inglés. Se puede conseguir en Amazon por 40 dólares
Anthony J. Martin, 2013, _Life Traces of the Georgia Coast: Revealing the Unseen Lives of Plants and Animals_, Indiana University Press, 670 pp.
This is an aktuopaleoecological study of the terrestrial, freshwater, and marine track and tracemakers of the Georgia Sea Islands. It describes and illustrates the traces (and tracemakers) in all of these environments, and does a kind of community paleoecology of the Georgia coast on the basis of trace fossils. It then discusses the implications of these ichnofossil assemblages for palichnology more generally.
The book is a fun read, and has lots of pretty pictures. Reminds me a lot of the classic Schaefer (1972) book about North Sea traces, but has the distinct advantage over that book, IMHO, of having more alligators.
Anthony J. Martin, 2013, _Life Traces of the Georgia Coast: Revealing the Unseen Lives of Plants and Animals_, Indiana University Press, 670 pp.
This is an aktuopaleoecological study of the terrestrial, freshwater, and marine track and tracemakers of the Georgia Sea Islands. It describes and illustrates the traces (and tracemakers) in all of these environments, and does a kind of community paleoecology of the Georgia coast on the basis of trace fossils. It then discusses the implications of these ichnofossil assemblages for palichnology more generally.
The book is a fun read, and has lots of pretty pictures. Reminds me a lot of the classic Schaefer (1972) book about North Sea traces, but has the distinct advantage over that book, IMHO, of having more alligators.