Department Head/Full Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University
Montana State University in Bozeman invites applications for the position of Head of the Department of Earth Sciences. Appointment will be at the rank of Full Professor.
We require a Ph.D. in an Earth Science discipline (human or physical geography, geology, oceanography, atmospheric/climate science); demonstrated administrative and leadership abilities; a record of success in teaching undergraduate students and supervising graduate students; and a demonstrated record of acquiring research grants and a visible and successful research program. Preference will be given to candidates who have experience as a department head, who are committed to student, faculty and staff diversity, who have experience in managing budgets, obtaining external funding and developing and implementing strategic plans.
The successful candidate will lead a diverse, interdisciplinary, research-active department of faculty who are committed to excellence in education at all levels and who are engaged in service to the profession and society. Bozeman is a highly livable city of 40,000 residents in a spectacular mountain environment.
The full vacancy announcement can be viewed here:
For more information on the department, please visit:
Please submit a letter ofapplication that addresses required and preferred qualifications, a CV, and the names and contact information for five references. Review of applications will begin October 15
miércoles, octubre 08, 2014
Oportunidades de trabajo para paleontólogos
La Web Geological Curators' Group tiene un apartado con ofertas de trabajo para paleontólogos que se va actualizando constantemente. Muchas de estas plazas tienen que ver que trabajos en museos, pero las posibilidades son variadas. Os dejamos algunas de las plazas que se pueden solicitar y los enlaces por si alguno de nuestros lectores se anima. En la Charterhouse Museum también os ponemos la información que se encuentra en la web para dares una idea del tipo de plazas que se trata.
Museum Cataloguer
Charterhouse, Godalming, Surrey
Deadline: 10th October
More Info:
History of Charterhouse
Charterhouse was founded in 1611. The original foundation was at Sutton’s Hospital in London. The School moved to its present magnificent site near Godalming in Surrey in 1872. There are now over 800 pupils aged 13 to 18, all but c.60 of whom are boarders. 70 girls a year are admitted to the Sixth Form. The School enjoys outstanding cultural and sporting facilities, and an enviable record of academic and all-round achievement. In September 2008 the School adopted a policy of terminal assessment for its sixth form courses, most of which are from the new Cambridge International Examinations Pre-U specifications. The School introduced the IB Diploma Programme as an alternative programme of study in September 2011.
The position Based at one of England's most prestigious public schools, the Charterhouse Museum was founded in 1874 with the purposed of enriching the pupils’ learning and it comprises an extraordinarily diverse collection of archaeology, ethnography, medals and coins, military and historical items, natural history, geology and School memorabilia. The Museum was dismantled in 2002 and many items were sold, but the remainder now requires re-cataloguing. The Museum Cataloguer will be responsible for this task, with particular focus on the Natural History and Geology collection.
Key responsibilities:
1. Identify, photograph and re-catalogue the artefacts in the Charterhouse Museum store. 2. Compile a database of the current Museum collection. 3. Extract data from Museum's historical paper records. 4. Assess the overall packaging and storage of the collection. 5. Liaise with teaching staff to make artefacts available as teaching resources.
Required skills
• A good first degree and a postgraduate qualification in a Museum-related field. • Good research skills • Experience of Museum object handling and storage • Good IT skills • Practical skill in photographing objects • Strong self-motivation, good time-management skills and the ability to work without close supervision in a lone working environment. • Enthusiasm for developing museum teaching resources Desirable • An interest in Natural History and Geology, as well as wide-ranging historical and archaeological knowledge
Geologist (Paleontology) / Paleontologist
Bureau of Land Management, Montana State Office, Billings, Montana
Deadline: 16th October
More info:
Managing Director - Centres for Earth & Space, Fossils & Evolution
Centre for Earth & Space, The Royal Ontario Museum
Deadline: 24th October
More info:
Curator, late Pleistocene Rancho La Brea collections
The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Page Museum at the La
Brea Tar Pits
Deadline: 1st December
More info:
Curator (Assistant or Associate), Dinosaur Institute
Dinosaur Institute, The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Deadline: 1st December
More info:
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Curso sobre los cambios climáticos del Pirineo
Del Geoparque del Sobrarbe nos ha llegado información de un interesante curso. Os la adjuntamos
Te presentamos toda la información de la cita anual con el Seminario del Geoparque que en esta edición va a estar dedicado a "LOS CAMBIOS LIMÁTICOS EN EL PIRINEO"_y va a desarrollarse DEL 24 AL 26 DE OCTUBRE EN BOLTAÑA (HUESCA).
Numerosos científicos están trabajando en Sobrarbe para desvelar los
secretos del clima pasado y actual, en este Seminario nos presentarán
los métodos de estudio y algunos de sus resultados. ¿Cómo se pueden
saber cuáles eran los climas del pasado? ¿qué evidencias hay en
nuestro Geoparque? ¿qué impacto han tenido los cambios climáticos
sobre el relieve y los ecosistemas? ¿qué está ocurriendo ahora? Hemos
preparado un programa en el que participarán grandes investigadores que
intentarán responder a estas y otras preguntas.
Para participar es necesario inscribirse a través del formulario
habilitado para ello en el apartado del Seminario de nuestra web .
Consulta toda la información del VIII Seminario en la Web del Geoparque
El periodo de inscripción finalizará el dia 22 de octubre.
martes, octubre 07, 2014
Un nuevo aragosaurero para estudiar pterosaurios
Estamos de enhorabuena, en estos tiempos de dificultades, nos han concedido un beca PPU para investigar pterosaurios. Se trata de unos contratos predoctorales de cuatro años que permite formar a los nuevos investigadores. El ministerio lo ha concedido a José Antonio Ulloa. Os dejamos el texto de presentación que nos ha mandado.
José Antonio Ulloa Rivas nació en A Coruña el 6 de octubre de 1988. Es Licenciado en Biología por la Universidad de A Coruña desde 2011 y Máster en Iniciación a la Investigación en Geología por la Universidad de Zaragoza desde 2013. En la actualidad realiza el Doctorado en Geología de la Universidad de Zaragoza con una Ayuda del Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario convocatoria 2013 del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.
A lo largo de su carrera ha trabajado en diversos campos de la Biología en el ámbito de Ciencia y de Sanidad. Durante la Licenciatura participo en dos ocasiones como becario de colaboración para la Universidad de A Coruña, primero en la temporada 2009/2010 en el grupo Recursos Marinos y Pesquerías con una beca de la Universidad de A Coruña y a continuación en la temporada 2010/2011 en el Instituto Universitario de Geología “Isidro Parga Pondal” con una beca del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Además, durante los años 2010 y 2011 realizo en dos ocasiones Prácticas en Empresas en el Laboratorio Agrario y Fitopatológico de Galicia. Durante el Máster se integro en el grupo Aragosaurus-IUCA bajo la dirección de José Ignacio Canudo con el proyecto de Trabajo Fin de Máster: Nueva especie de Ornithocheiroidea (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) del Barremiense (Cretácico Inferior) de la Península Ibérica.
Actualmente, continúa trabajando en el grupo Aragosaurus-IUCA bajo la misma dirección con el proyecto de Tesis Doctoral: Relaciones evolutivas de los pterosaurios del Cretácico Inferior de la Península Ibérica. Este proyecto supone la continuación/expansión de la línea de investigación sobre pterosaurios iniciada durante el Máster y consiste en la sistemática de nuevos restos directos de pterosaurios del Cretácico Inferior Ibérico y en la determinación de diversos aspectos de su vida como dieta, tasa de crecimiento y temperatura corporal.
Faculty Position in Earth and Planetary Science. University of California
Faculty Position in Earth and Planetary Science
The University of California, Berkeley Department of Earth and Planetary Science invites applications for a position at the Assistant Professor level with an expected start date of July 1, 2015. We seek outstanding candidates from any area of earth and planetary science, with an emphasis on biogeochemical cycles, earth surface processes, or climate science. Candidates whose research falls into one of these broad areas or their disciplinary interfaces are invited to apply.
Applicants are asked to provide curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and the names and contact information for three to five referees. The minimum qualification required to be considered an applicant for the position is the completion of all PhD or equivalent degree requirements except the dissertation. A PhD or equivalent is required by the date of hire. All applications should be submitted online through by December 12, 2014. Forquestions please contact Crysthel Catambay, HR Assistant, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, email:
Please refer potential referees, including when letters are provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service or career center), to the UC Berkeley statement of confidentiality ( prior o submitting their letters.
The University of California, Berkeley Department of Earth and Planetary Science invites applications for a position at the Assistant Professor level with an expected start date of July 1, 2015. We seek outstanding candidates from any area of earth and planetary science, with an emphasis on biogeochemical cycles, earth surface processes, or climate science. Candidates whose research falls into one of these broad areas or their disciplinary interfaces are invited to apply.
Applicants are asked to provide curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and the names and contact information for three to five referees. The minimum qualification required to be considered an applicant for the position is the completion of all PhD or equivalent degree requirements except the dissertation. A PhD or equivalent is required by the date of hire. All applications should be submitted online through by December 12, 2014. Forquestions please contact Crysthel Catambay, HR Assistant, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, email:
Please refer potential referees, including when letters are provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service or career center), to the UC Berkeley statement of confidentiality ( prior o submitting their letters.