PhD Research Fellowship in Paleobiology/Paleontology
A 4-year PhD position (SKO 1017) is available at the Natural History Museum (NHM), University of Oslo.
The Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, is the largest of its kind in Norway with approximately 150 employees engaged in research, teaching, curation and outreach in Botany, Mycology, Zoology, Paleontology and Geology.
Job description
The main objective of this PhD project is to investigate the underlying patterns and processes of the Ordovician Radiation, also known as the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE). The Ordovician (488.3 to 443.7 million years ago) was a period in the history of the biosphere that saw a very rapid diversification of many groups of fossilizable organisms. The temporal patterns of diversity changes seem to be in part unique across different groups of organisms and in different geographical regions, yet, there are also suggestions that globally operating agents may have contributed to this mother of all radiations. This controversy calls for both the reanalysis of existing data using better statistical tools as well as new collection of fossil and paleoenvironmental data aimed at answering specific questions, to boost existing knowledge.
This project will involve studying diversification dynamics in the deep past by combining data and insights from fresh field collections, museum collections, the literature and public databases. Depending on the past training and academic inclinations of the successful candidate, she/he may be involved in fieldwork in Ordovician outcrops, compiling existing data, and/or the development of statistical methodology for paleobiology. The successful candidate will join an actively growing Paleobiology and Macroevolution group at the University of Oslo and will be part of the scientific community at both the Natural History Museum and at the Department of Biosciences at the University of Oslo. The Natural History Museum in Oslo has a globally known, large collection of Ordovician fauna that will be crucial to the development of this project. Our research spans analytical paleontology, macroevolution, macroecology and the statistical tools in paleobiological research. This PhD posi! tion is in part funded by Norwegian Research Council grant to Lee Hsiang Liow, and in part by the Natural History Museum of Oslo. The successful candidate will also likely collaborate with Seth Finnegan (University of California, Berkeley), Melanie Hopkins (American Museum of Natural History), and Björn Kröger (University of Helsinki), as well as other colleagues at the Natural History Museum, Oslo and at the Department of Biosciences at the University of Oslo.
Click here to apply:
martes, septiembre 01, 2015
Senior Research Scientist - Vertebrate evolutionary biology
The Australian National Wildlife Collection (ANWC)
within National Research Collections Australia comprises staff and
collections resources such as traditional research collections,
cryofrozen tissues, sound, and data itself. The ANWC is seeking to
continue the growth of this collection and see its relevance maintained
with respect to current rapid growth in genomics. As such, we are
offering an opportunity for a suitably experienced Research Scientist,
preferably with a solid grounding in collection and terrestrial
vertebrates, to join our team and lead the research output of the ANWC.
As part of the formal application process, candidates will be asked to articulate how they will use the Australo-Papuan vertebrate biota to address questions of broad interest, as well as in leading CSIRO’s embracing of genomics in evolutionary biology as applied to natural populations of terrestrial vertebrates. See “Other Information - How to Apply" on the Position Details link below.
You will work at the intersection of phylogeny and adaptation, systematics and population genetics, genomics and informatics, biogeography and phylogeography especially as applied in the context of Australo-Papuan vertebrates. Developing capacity in any terrestrial vertebrate group would be encouraged and supported. This is a key role in our Wildlife Collections team with real opportunity for growth and the possibility of taking direct line management responsibility for positions such as an “Office of the Chief Executive” (OCE) Postdoctoral Fellow in the future.
Applicants must demonstrate significant relevant scientific experience, plus strong leadership and resource management capability. For the latter, this includes experience in setting up and managing work programs and projects, coordination and supervision of team members, providing direction, and choosing strategies to help maintain high levels of motivation and productivity.
A significant publication record in peer reviewed international journals is also a key requirement.
You will incorporate novel approaches to scientific investigations by adapting and/or developing original concepts and ideas for new, existing and further research.
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As part of the formal application process, candidates will be asked to articulate how they will use the Australo-Papuan vertebrate biota to address questions of broad interest, as well as in leading CSIRO’s embracing of genomics in evolutionary biology as applied to natural populations of terrestrial vertebrates. See “Other Information - How to Apply" on the Position Details link below.
You will work at the intersection of phylogeny and adaptation, systematics and population genetics, genomics and informatics, biogeography and phylogeography especially as applied in the context of Australo-Papuan vertebrates. Developing capacity in any terrestrial vertebrate group would be encouraged and supported. This is a key role in our Wildlife Collections team with real opportunity for growth and the possibility of taking direct line management responsibility for positions such as an “Office of the Chief Executive” (OCE) Postdoctoral Fellow in the future.
Applicants must demonstrate significant relevant scientific experience, plus strong leadership and resource management capability. For the latter, this includes experience in setting up and managing work programs and projects, coordination and supervision of team members, providing direction, and choosing strategies to help maintain high levels of motivation and productivity.
A significant publication record in peer reviewed international journals is also a key requirement.
You will incorporate novel approaches to scientific investigations by adapting and/or developing original concepts and ideas for new, existing and further research.
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Nuevas evidencias de leopardos en el Pleistoceno superior de Valencia
El año pasado para estas fechas os comentamos la noticia de un hallazgo excepcional. El esqueleto de un leopardo fósil completo hallado en una cavidad valenciana (Avenc de Joan Guitón). Ahora tenemos el gusto de comunicaros que el trabajo científico sobre este esqueleto ha salido a la luz recientemente.
En dicho artículo se realiza un completo estudio del esqueleto poniendo de manifiesto que el ejemplar de Avenc Joan Guitón es uno de los más completos del mundo. Además en este trabajo se presentan nuevos restos de leopardo de varios yacimientos de la zona valenciana como son: Cova del Racó del Duc, Cova de les Malladetes, Cova Negra, Cova del Bolomor.
Por otro lado los autores han realizado una profunda revisión de la distribución del leopardo en el Pleistoceno. En ella se pone manifiesto lo abundantes que eran los leopardos en la Península Ibérica donde se ha constatado la presencia de este gran felino en más de ochenta yacimientos. Esto convierte a la Península Ibérica en el área con una mayor densidad de yacimientos con dicho taxón del mundo. Por otro lado en la Península se han constatado algunas de las citas más recientes para este taxón en Europa lo que la convierte en un área refugio para dicho taxón hasta su desaparición de Europa.
La elevada presencia de restos de leopardo en yacimientos arqueo-paleontológicos ha permitido a los autores estudiar las relaciones entre nuestros antepasados y este gran felino. Por tanto ha permitido describir los contextos de aparición y origen de los restos de leopardos, además se han valorado los procesos de interacción con los grupos humanos prehistóricos.
El trabajo se ha publicado en la prestigiosa revista Quaternary Science Reviews y ha sido liderado por Alfred Sanchis del Museu de Prehistòria de València, en dicho trabajo han colaborado miembros de la Universitat de València, Club d'Espeleologia l'Avern d’Ontinyent, del Museu Arqueològic d'Ontinyent y el aragosaurero Víctor Sauqué.
Alfred Sanchis, Carmen Tormo, Víctor Sauqué, Vicent Sanchis, Rebeca Díaz, Agustí Ribera, Valentín Villaverde: Pleistocene leopards in the Iberian Peninsula: New evidence from palaeontological and archaeological contexts in the Mediterranean region. Quaternary Science Reviews 09/2015; 124:175-208. DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.07.013