lunes, noviembre 23, 2015
El Geoparque del Sobrarbe nombrado Geoparque Mundial de la Unesco.
El pasado martes 17 de noviembre el Plenario de la Conferencia General de la UNESCO aprobó los estatutos del nuevo Programa Internacional de Ciencias de la Tierra y Geoparques, y declaró Geoparques Mundiales de la UNESCO a los 120 Geoparques que en estos momentos existen en el mundo, que hasta el momento se habían constituido bajo el paraguas de una red internacional. En este nuevo programa de la UNESCO, España cuenta con 11 espacios, de los cuáles dos se encuentran en Aragón, el Geoparque de Sobrarbe y el del Maestrazgo. Desde el Geoparque del Sobrarbe nos han mandado esta nota que os adjuntamos.
Con su declaración como Geoparque Mundial de la UNESCO, los 2.200 kilómetros cuadrados de la Comarca de Sobrarbe quedan reconocidos por el sello de un programa de la UNESCO, lo cual, unido a la existencia de 2 Bienes de la Lista de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO (el Bien Pirineos Monte Perdido y el Arte Rupestre del Arco Mediterráneo), y la mayor parte de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Ordesa Viñamala también dentro de este territorio, hacen de Sobrarbe uno de los pocos lugares en el mundo que cuentan con tan elevado reconocimiento por parte de este organismo internacional.
Todo ello supone un indicador del ingente patrimonio natural, geológico y cultural que alberga esta Comarca, que va a continuar e incrementar su proyección turística como destino de turismo natural y cultural, fuertemente comprometido con el desarrollo y la utilización sostenible de sus recursos. La obtención del sello de la UNESCO en su nuevo programa de Geoparques Mundiales, supone un hito en la actuación seguida hasta el momento por la Comarca de Sobrarbe con la creación y promoción del Geoparque, y un reconocimiento a su labor.
La Comarca de Sobrarbe va a continuar en esta línea de trabajo, en estrecha colaboración con el Gobierno de Aragón, la Comisión Nacional Española de Cooperación con la UNESCO y el Instituto Geológico Minero de España, entidad esta última que va a presidir el nuevo Comité Español de Geoparques, creado para la gestión del nuevo programa de UNESCO en nuestro país.
PhD studentship is available on Plio-Pleistocene dinoflagellate cysts
A funded PhD studentship is available on: \"Plio-Pleistocene dinoflagellate cysts and paleoceanography of the northern and western Pacific\" in the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto, Canada
Application deadline: January 17, 2016.
Description of PhD project:
The northern Pacific appears to have supplied moisture to North America 2.74 million years ago, causing the growth of major ice sheets and transforming our planet into an “icehouse” world just prior to the start of the Quaternary. Several interlinked projects are available utilizing deep-sea cores along a transect from the Bering Sea to the South China Sea. These projects aim to elucidate the Pacific Ocean’s role in, and response to, climate evolution during the Neogene-Quaternary transition. Research specifically addresses ice sheet expansion 2.7-2.5 Ma, and examines changes in the associated surface currents of the northern and western Pacific. It also explores teleconnections between high northern-latitude ice sheets and the East Asian winter monsoon system, as reflected in sediments of the marginal Sea of Japan and South China Sea. The research primarily uses dinoflagellate cysts but integrated where possible with foraminiferal geochemistry and alkenone paleothermometr! y.
The research program is under the supervision of Prof. Martin J. Head, and some projects are in collaboration with Dr Stijn De Schepper (Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway), and Dr Jeroen Groeneveld (University of Bremen, Germany). The studentship is scheduled to begin September, 2016.
How to apply:
The on-line application for admission is at:
Note that the completed online application and ALL supporting documents (transcripts, letters of recommendation, results of language proficiency tests, etc.) must be received by the deadline of January 17, 2016.
Do check the on-line application for admission NOW to determine how much time is needed to assemble all the necessary documentation, and arrange if necessary for a language proficiency test. Please contact Prof. Martin J. Head ( for details of the projects available, and Ms Lynn Slotkin ( for any questions regarding the application procedure.
Application deadline: January 17, 2016.
Description of PhD project:
The northern Pacific appears to have supplied moisture to North America 2.74 million years ago, causing the growth of major ice sheets and transforming our planet into an “icehouse” world just prior to the start of the Quaternary. Several interlinked projects are available utilizing deep-sea cores along a transect from the Bering Sea to the South China Sea. These projects aim to elucidate the Pacific Ocean’s role in, and response to, climate evolution during the Neogene-Quaternary transition. Research specifically addresses ice sheet expansion 2.7-2.5 Ma, and examines changes in the associated surface currents of the northern and western Pacific. It also explores teleconnections between high northern-latitude ice sheets and the East Asian winter monsoon system, as reflected in sediments of the marginal Sea of Japan and South China Sea. The research primarily uses dinoflagellate cysts but integrated where possible with foraminiferal geochemistry and alkenone paleothermometr! y.
The research program is under the supervision of Prof. Martin J. Head, and some projects are in collaboration with Dr Stijn De Schepper (Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway), and Dr Jeroen Groeneveld (University of Bremen, Germany). The studentship is scheduled to begin September, 2016.
How to apply:
The on-line application for admission is at:
Note that the completed online application and ALL supporting documents (transcripts, letters of recommendation, results of language proficiency tests, etc.) must be received by the deadline of January 17, 2016.
Do check the on-line application for admission NOW to determine how much time is needed to assemble all the necessary documentation, and arrange if necessary for a language proficiency test. Please contact Prof. Martin J. Head ( for details of the projects available, and Ms Lynn Slotkin ( for any questions regarding the application procedure.