We are hiring two PhD students (3 years fully-funded) to work on set projects in 'Teratology of microfossils'. The positions are funded by the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) under the collaborative research Grant "Teratology in microfossils as a proxy for understanding mass-extinctions through time".
Contract Type: Fixed Term, Whole-Time
Position start date: no later than 01/09/2021
Duration: 3 years
Stipend: as per UGent scales
Candidates should apply to Thijs.vandenbroucke@ugent.be by Monday, 24th May 2021.
All information: https://www.ugent.be/en/work/scientific/phd-student-54
Prof. Dr. Thijs Vandenbroucke
Professor in Palaeontology & Stratigraphy
Deputy Head of Department
Ghent University