domingo, marzo 29, 2009

Puestos de trabajo para dos geólogos en la Universidad de West Georgia

Nos ha llegado información de dos puestos de trabajo para dos geólogos en la Universidad de West Georgia. Os adjuntamos la información

The Department of Geosciences at the University of West Georgia invites applications for two limited-term assistant professors to teach a one-year term starting August 2009, and pending final approval of funding. We seek geologists to fill specific vacancies with some flexibility. The selected candidates will be required to teach physical geology or historical geology, plus upper level courses in their areas of specialization. Those with expertise in the following specialties are encouraged to apply: paleontology, geoscience education, tectonics/applied geophysics, stratigraphy/geobiology/Earth history, or planetary geology/remote sensing.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Geology or related discipline (degree required at time of employment). Please submit a curriculum vita, letter describing scholarly and teaching interests, copies of transcripts, and names and contact information for three or more references. Apply to: David M. Bush, Search Committee Chair, Department of Geosciences, University of
West Georgia, Carrollton, GA 30118-3100 ( [] ). Review of applications will begin on March 31 and continue until the position is filled.

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