miércoles, mayo 03, 2006

Puestos de trabajo el Centro de Geología y Geocronología de Burgos

Anuncio de convocatoria pública de dos puestos de coordinación para los programas de Geología y de Geocronología del Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) en Burgos

CENIEH- Two Program Coordinators: Geochronology Program Neogene and Quaternary Geology Program

Initially established in 2004 under the funding of the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia) and the Castilla y León Regional Government (Consejería de Educación), the "Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre Evolución Humana (CENIEH)" of the city of Burgos, Spain, is the hub of a national effort to foster and coordinate scientific research on human evolution and interaction with the Plio-Pleistocene environment, and to maintain and manage the scientific use of Paleontological and Anthropological collections from Atapuerca archaeological site and other sites that are studied under the auspices of (or in collaboration) with the CENIEH. A new building with first rank research facilities is under construction. The "Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH)", led by
Prof. José María Bermúdez de Castro, is seeking two qualified applicants who will serve as the Scientists-in-Charge of the Geochronology and Neogene-Quaternary Geology Programs and who will coordinate and provide scientific and managerial leadership for operations and research conducted by the CENIEH. Major responsibilities include: planning, development, and implementation of new research lines and facilities, and the development and line management oversight of staff
assigned to these Programs, including appointment of group leaders within each Program. The appointees will be expected to develop and maintain vigorous, externally funded research programs, and to interact effectively with a broad range of colleagues.

Position 1: Coordinator, Geochronology Program. The incumbent should have a record comprising interdisciplinary
efforts that link geology, geochronology, and archaeology, and related areas, as well as demonstrated experience with time-stratigraphic correlation methods. The candidate should also have a strong background in techniques for establishing age equivalence in different depositional environments, particularly Pliocene and Pleistocene. Good
familiarity with hominid-bearing sediments, specifically in cave and lake environments is essential.
Preference will be given to candidates who have demonstrated experience in the study of the geological context and chronologies of Eurasian archaeological sites.

Position 2: Coordinator, Neogene and Quaternary Geology Program. We seek an individual with primary research interests in
Neogene/Quaternary continental sedimentary rocks, linking paleoenvironmental change through the study of the stratigraphic
record. Applicants should have experience in stratigraphic interpretations, reconstructing the depositional history and
interpreting the environmental setting. A background in superficial processes, fluvial and karst stratigraphy and landforms is highly desirable.
Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated experience in studying geological contexts in terrestrial depositional environments related to hominid evolution. Experience in placing the sedimentary
matrix of archaeological sites in its appropriate spatial-temporal context is a plus.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in geosciences, as well as credentials in archaeology, and a record of outstanding and internationally recognized research productivity, with a minimum of ten years experience with progressive responsibility in program management.

Appointments are at the rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor, in accordance with the merits and experience, and salary based on Spanish academic scales. Qualified applicants should send a brief statement of current and planned research, curriculum vitae, list of publications, and the contact information of 3-5 individuals who have agreed to serve as professional references.

Contact person: María Amor Barros del Río, Organisation and Communication Coordinator,

E-mail contact: amor.barros@cenieh.es Applications will be accepted until June 1, 2006, or until a suitable candidate is identified.

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