jueves, junio 01, 2006

Puesto de trabajo para conservador de dinosaurios

Información para un magnífico trabajo de conservador de dinosaurios en el Royasl Tyreel Museum de Canadá

Curator of Dinosaurs. Scientific 2

Royal Tyrrell Museum, Drumheller - Dinosaur Research at the Royal Tyrrell Museum! Do you dig dinosaurs? If so, a unique opportunity exists to undertake research into Alberta¹s unparalleled dinosaur faunas! The research undertaken will combine specimen-based, integrative research with exploration and field collection of new material in a systematic, targeted manner.

Based on a submitted research proposal, you will undertake and publish the results of original, independent research on aspects of the stratigraphy, biology or relationships of dinosaurs based on material in the collections of the Royal Tyrrell Museum and acquired through field collecting. This research program should concentrate on Late Cretaceous dinosaurs from the
Western Interior of North America, with special emphasis on ornithischian material from Alberta. Part of this research program will be to add to the collections and knowledge about Alberta¹s fossil resources. Excellent communications skills are required to ensure that knowledge gained from this research program will contribute to exhibit and educational programs at the Tyrrell Museum. Qualifications: Recent graduation from a recognized university PhD program in geology or zoology is required. In addition to the letter of application and accompanying resume, applicants are also required to submit a research proposal that outlines the proposed research direction and strategy. Proposals will be evaluated for against the criteria outlined in this ad. You must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or eligible to work in

Online applications are preferred. Please apply at www.gov.ab.ca/jobs or send cover letter and resume, quoting the competition number to: Community Development, Human Resources, 7th floor Standard Life Centre, 10405 Jasper
Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5J 4R7 or fax to 780 422 3142.

Salary: $48,096 - $72,324
Closing Date: June 19, 2006

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