martes, octubre 17, 2006

th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology

Adjuntamos un mensaje animando a participar en el th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology que se va a celebrar en Paris, del 16 al 21 de Julio del 2007

Preparation of the 8th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology is running well and registration is now opened. The registration (congress fees, housing, special issue of Journal of Morphology, social event and gala diner) will be made on line and payment by credit card only. A secure web site is provided by "Alpha Visa Congrès". You can attain it directly at the web site You can also go to the web site of the congress and openning the button "Registration", click after on "Registration". Finally if you have any difficulty, please contact Alpha Visa Congrès by Email:

Note that deadline for registration is 10 of February 2007. After this date, registration fees will increase, abstracts could not be published and only posters could be accepted.

Abstract submission. Like registration, abstracts will be submitted online only and the submission is dependent of registration, i.e. you an submit abstract only after registration and
payment by credit card. The scientific program is now largely scheduled. It will include 5 plenary lectures, 22 symposia and 4 workshops. The title of each one is on the web site of the congress ( under "Programs". Moreover, free lectures and posters while increase the scientific interest and richness of the congress.

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