viernes, noviembre 03, 2006

Congreso sobre Pterosaurios

Se va a celebrar el próximo año el Wellnhofer pterosaur meeting, Munich 2007. A continuación adjuntamos la información inicial de este congreso.

We are now taking abstracts for a meeting to be held in Munich’s famous Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (Bavarian State Palaeontological Collection - BSPG) for September 10th-14th, 2007. The meeting will be focused on the pterosaurs and their world to celebrate the works of Dr Peter Wellnhofer.
The foremost authority on pterosaurs for the last four decades, Dr Wellnhofer spent much of his career in Munich as a curator at the BSPG, so it is appropriate that the meeting celebrating his work will be held in this world class collection. It is rightly considered one of the best pterosaur collections in the world and includes the ‘Zittel wing’, Anurognathus, and the ‘Munich Pterodactylus’, among other fossil treasures such as the Munich Archaeopteryx.
Many of the world’s foremost pterosaur researchers have confirmed their attendance and a full proceedings volume based upon this meeting is planned for the journal Zitteliana. This International meeting will consist of 2 days of talks (in English), a day of open discussions and poster sessions, and a field trip to the world famous Jura Museum in Eichstätt.
Short abstracts (of 1 side A4, single spaced 12 point text) can be submitted to David Hone (by e-mail or post) with a closing date of 31st of May, 2007.

Further details are available from David Hone at the address below, or at

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