jueves, febrero 15, 2007

Curso de Paleontologia Cuantitativa

Del 28 de Mayo al 9 de Junio de este año se va a celebrar en Bolonia (Italia) se va a celebrar un curso sobre Paleontología Cuantitativa. Os adjuntamos la información para el que se anima a acercarse hasta la bonita ciudad italiana.

The Dept. of Earth and Geo-Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna (Italy) and the Geosciences Dept., Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, Virginia. USA) would like to announce the following Summer School: QUANTITATIVE PALEONTOLOGY 2007 (May 28 - June 9, 2007)

Venue: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geologico-Ambientali, Via Zamboni, 67 - Bologna

The school will offer an introduction to quantitative data processing in Paleontology and will target graduate students, post-doctoral associates, and other post-graduate researchers interested in conducting paleontological research. However, most of the materials covered in the course will be useful to all students in geo- and biosciences, who are interested in using quantitative data in their research.

Deadline for registration: March 15, 2007

Organizing secretariat: Dr. Alessandro Ceregato (ceregato@geomin.unibo.it)

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