martes, mayo 08, 2007

Trabajo en el Field Museum of Natural History

Parece que no paran de salir trabajos de paleontología. Un puesto de conservador en el Field Museum de Chicago (EE.UU.) para los que se animen a cruzar el charco. Os adjuntamos la información:

Collection Manager, Fossil Invertebrates - The Department of Geology of the Field Museum of Natural History has an immediate opening for a Collection Manager of Fossil Invertebrates. This collection encompasses all major phyla of metazoans and is ranked among the top paleontology collections in the world. We are seeking an individual who is able to conduct all aspects of modern collection management, adept in communicating with scientists and the public, and eager to participate in fundraising initiatives and public learning programs in all areas of the museum. A masters degree in invertebrate paleontology, familiarity with database systems, and experience in collection management are highly desired. To apply please send your CV and the names of three references who are familiar with your work with collections to: Dr. Scott Lidgard, Collection Manager Search Committee, Dept. of Geology, The Field Museum, Roosevelt Rd. at Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60605. For further

information, email

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