lunes, junio 18, 2007

Trabajo para un Doctor en Paleontología en el Swedish Museum of Natural History

Por medio de la Paleolist nos ha llegado información de puestos de trabajo de un año renovables hasta dos en el Museo Sueco de Historia Natural en Estocolmo. Es solo para doctores que están comenzando, siendo la propuesta muy amplia ya que no requiere un perfil específico. Para los que se animen os adjuntamos la información que tenemos:

As of 2007, the Swedish Museum of Natural History will regularly announce new post-doctoral research positions. Our aim is to provide opportunities for recent PhD-graduates to continue their researchcareer and to support the long-term continuity of expertise within our research areas. We invite applications from scholars who have held a doctoral degree in botany, geology, palaeontology or zoology for fewer than five years as of the application deadline. The position is for one year with the possibility of an extension for, at most, one additional year. The position is placed at and administered by the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. Starting date is flexible and by agreement.

Applicants are requested to send a project plan (3 pages), a short summary of up-to-date research results (1 page), a list of publications, a CV, and contact details of three references.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the relevant department at the Museum of Natural History well in advance of applying. Information about research at the museum can be found at Further information can be obtained from Dr. Mari Källersjö, Director
of Science ( Applications marked Dnr 33-399/2007 should be sent by email to Closing date is August 16, 2007.

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