miércoles, julio 04, 2007

10th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems

Nos acaba de llegar la primera circular del 10th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems que se va a celebrar en España durante el mes de Septiembre del 2009. Estos congresos monográficos son los más importantes sobre la Paleontología del Mesozoico y por primera se celebran en nuestro país. Para los que se quieran preinscribir, os adjuntamos la información:

“Prospecting geo-biological systems”

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the next Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystem Symposium that will be held in Spain next September 2009. The reception site of the meeting will be at Teruel where Dinopolis has its principal headquarters. The whole symposium has been scheduled for 10 days (3 days of scientific sessions + 6 pre- and post congress field trips). Three Spanish Universities (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Universitat de Barcelona) and the Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel (Dinopolis) will be involved in the organisation of the meeting.
Sessions will be dedicated to (1) palaeobiotic and/or palaeoclimatic reconstructions, (2) palaeoecology of continental fossil assemblages, (3) the influence of microbial mats in preservation, and (4) Mesozoic amber deposits. We would also like to encourage all specialists on microbial, algae, plant, molluscs, arthropods or vertebrate assemblages in order to achieve the broadest framework possible on continental Mesozoic environments.

Fieldtrips: The pre-symposium fieldtrip will include a visit to the Upper Cretaceous of the Tremp Basin. This shall take 3 days, departing from Barcelona, which reach its end in Madrid. From Madrid we will visit the Lower Cretaceous Konservat Lagerstattë of Las Hoyas in Cuenca (1 day trip), reaching Teruel the same day. Scientific sessions will begin the next morning and continue for 3 days. The Post-symposium fieldtrip will include other Mesozoic (Late Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) localities wherein Dinopolis has settled Palaeontological spots of interest, such as Galve and Riodeva locality, and the amber deposits from Teruel (2 days).
We have planned these fieldtrips as two possible choices to schedule the meeting: starting from Barcelona (if you are interested to attend the pre-symposium fieldtrip) or from Madrid (if you are interested in Las Hoyas and post-symposium fieldtrip). The alternative is to meet us in Teruel for the scientific venue. Please notice that the closest airports to Teruel are Barcelona or Madrid or Valencia. Our next post will include a web address with all upcoming updates.

If you are interested in joining us at the 10th MTE symposium, please let us know filling the below query adding (1), (2), (3) or (4) according the topics quoted above in the presentation line: Name: Institution: Country: I will participate with a presentation on:
I will participate with a poster on:
I am interested in: Pre-symposium Upper Cretaceous fieldtrip ____Post-symposium Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous fieldtrip___

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