martes, julio 17, 2007

Trabajo de Conservador en el Museo Humboldt de Berlín (Alemania)

Hemos leído una oferta de trabajo de Conservador en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Humboldt de Berlín (Alemania). Se trata de trabajar con los huesos del famoso yacimiento de Tendaguru (Tanzania). Os adjuntamos la noticia para los interesados.

Primary duties and responsibilities: Research in the following area: Taxonomy, evolution, phylogenetic systematics, palaeobiology and distribution of dinosaurs; curatorial work within the collection of the Archosauromorpha (Crocodylia, Pterosauria, Dinosauria, Aves) including the reptiles of the Tendaguru Expeditions; participation in projects associated with the exhibits and further public relations / outreach activities.

Requirements: Ph.D., plus at least three years additional experience in either a postdoctoral, or a permanent capacity (or similar practical experience); comprehensive knowledge of modern phylogenetic systematics; proven excellence in conducting high-level research; proven history of successful grant applications; experience of supervision or handling of research collections in either a museum or related institution.

Applications, accompanied by the usual documentation, are due August 2nd, 2007 and should be made in writing to the: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde, Der Verwaltungsleiter, Unter den Linden 6, D-10099 Berlin, Germany. Please quote the box number AN/075/07.

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