martes, julio 17, 2007

Trabajo para hacer bases de datos de entomología (incluyendo Trilobites)

En la lista de morfometría se ha publicado una oferta de trabajo que podría interesarle a algún paleontólogo con conocimiento en ordenadores y entomología en sentido amplio, incluyendo a los trilobites. Se trata de realizar una base de datos con imágenes. Os adjuntamos la información:

Graduate Student Assistantships Available. University of California, Riverside, CA. Start Date: Fall quarter (September 2007) or Winter Quarter (January 2008). Three graduate student positions are available to conduct interdisciplinary scientific research in morphological image databases. Two positions are available in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering and one in biological science (Entomology). The proposed research focuses on development of a formal framework for image databases, which extracts and learns appropriate visual features
from images. Fellowships are available for three years with additional funding possible through teaching assistantships for qualified students. Applications will be accepted for both the PhD and Master of Science level.
1) Entomology Graduate Student (contact_ John.Heraty@ucr.edu_) The student will be expected to develop an independent research program incorporating the use of digital image technology and modern morphometric techniques to track morphological variation for a group of insects. The taxonomic group and research focus is entirely open as long as it fits within the guidelines of the project. As well, the student will interact with the computer science students to manage and develop a digital libraries for images of Trilobita, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera. For additional information on our entomology research program, visit:, or Please contact for
details on the application process for the Entomology graduate program.

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