jueves, septiembre 27, 2007

Contrato para doctores en paleontología de Vertebrados en Bélgica

Nos ha llegdo información de un puesto de trabajo en paleontología de vertebrados. Os la adjuntamos por si le interesa algún doctor en paro. El contrato es de cuatro años para estudiar los mamíferos del Paleógeno depositados en el Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS).

Function: In the framework of the 4 years scientific project “The origin of the European modern vertebrates through Palaeogene collections of the RBINS” financed by the Belgian Science Policy Office, the Department of Paleontology of the RBINS is looking for a full time, postdoctoral scientist. The position is available from January 1^st 2008 for a period of 9 months and is possibly renewable. The main objective of the project is to understand the origin and evolution of the European Palaeogene vertebrates based on four large RBINS collections. The faunal turnovers and the influence of migrations during the Palaeogene will be analysed by comparison with other European faunas, North American faunas, and Chinese and Indian faunas. This project will be executed in collaboration with several national and international partners and includes the studies of terrestrial vertebrates, computer tomography, calibration of fossils with oxygen and carbon isotope records, and correlation with palaeoclimatic data based on analyses of floras.

- Preparation of fossil material and possibly fieldwork
- SEM imaging of the fossil remains
- Morphological studies of vertebrates mainly based on mammal dental material and other small vertebrate remains
- Data reporting and writing up scientific papers
- Participation to scientific meetings

- PhD in Vertebrate Palaeontology
- Ability to work both independently and in collaboration with other project partners
- English writing and presentation skills
- Experience in working with small vertebrate specimens is an advantage

How to apply:
The candidate should send his/her curriculum vitae *before October 30**th*, with a cover letter of motivation to: Thierry Smith. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Department of Paleontology. 29 rue Vautier. B-1000 Bruxelles. Belgium. Phone: +32 2 627 44 88
E-mail: thierry.smith@naturalsciences.be

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