jueves, octubre 25, 2007

Concurso para jóvenes dentro del Internacional Year of Planet Earth Corporation

Os adjuntamos una convocatoria para participar en "Global Launch Event" a través de videos, fotografías, poemas y ensayos dentro del "International Year of Plantet Earth". Es para jóvenes de 18 a 22 años y los temas son variados y puede ser una magnífica oportunidad de contactar con jóvenes interesados en el medio ambiente a nivel global

IYPE STUDENT CONTEST - RULES AND GUIDELINES: www.esfs.org/studentcontest.html
The General Assembly of the United Nations has proclaimed 2008 as the International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE). On an international level, several major events are scheduled including the Global Launch Event of the International Year of Planet Earth, to be held in Paris at UNESCO headquarters on February 12th and 13th 2008. This Global Launch Event includes discussions on three challenging topics (provisional titles): 1) Earth's natural resources and the sustainable development of our society 2) Geohazards: Minimizing risk - maximizing awareness 3) Population growth and climate change.

A maximum of 350 students from all around the world will be invited to participate in the Global Launch Event. It is considered that the creativity and perception of these students will
contribute to new perspectives on the major themes of the International Year of Planet Earth.
In order to bring this about, the International Year of Planet Earth Corporation is organizing an International IYPE Student Contest.

WHO MAY PARTICIPATE: All 18-22 year old students from around the world are invited to participate in the IYPE Student Contest.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE To enter the IYPE Student Contest, all students are invited to approach one of the questions mentioned below in a creative way. This might vary from writing an essay, song or poem, producing a drawing or painting, making a short video film, a cartoon story, a photograph, et cetera. Students are invited to focus their item of work on one or more of the following ten topics.
- Groundwater - towards sustainable use
- Hazards - minimizing risk, maximizing awareness
- Earth & Health - building a safer environment
- Climate - the 'stone tape'
- Earth's Resources - towards sustainable use
- Megacities - going deeper, building safer
- Deep Earth - from crust to core
- Ocean - abyss of time
- Soil - Earth's living skin
- Earth & Life - the origins of diversity
For more information about these topics we invite you to read or download the respective brochures from the IYPE web site www.esfs.org/downloads.htm

VOLUME REQUIREMENTS. Students should take good notice of the following volume requirements:
- Essay: maximum of 1600 words
- Poem/song: maximum of 400 words
- Drawing/painting: maximum A3
- Video message: maximum of 10 minutes

LANGUAGE: Students are invited to produce their work in English or French unless
prior agreement on other languages is obtained from their National Committee.

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