miércoles, diciembre 05, 2007

Para hacer Tesis doctorales en el American Museum of Natural History de Nueva York

Os adjuntamos una información que puede ser de interés para los nuevos estudiantes que quieran hacer la tesis doctoral en paleontología en EE.UU. Se trata que se va a poder realizar en el Museo de Historia Natural de Nueva York, en el marco de sus proyectos.

We are pleased to announce the inauguration of the Richard Gilder Graduate School at the American Museum of Natural History. We have been authorized by the State of New York to award Ph.D.'s in the field of comparative biology, making us the first North American
museum to grant doctoral degrees. Beginning in September 2008, we will train students through a series of core courses in evolution, systematics and biogeography, and ethics and grantsmanship; elective courses on specialized topics making extensive use of our collections
as well as laboratory and field experiences; and university-level or public education teaching opportunities. Students will conduct original research in their pursuit of the Ph.D. degree, with the benefit of the unique combination of the Museum's long legacy of research, field expeditions, and collections (of over 32 million specimens) along with cutting-edge technologies and laboratories. The new AMNH Comparative Biology Ph.D. Program is designed to be accelerated, with most students completing their degrees in four years. Students typically will be supported with full tuition, stipends, health benefits, a research budget, and a computer.

We ask you to encourage promising undergraduate and master's students who are interested in systematics, evolution, genomics, biodiversity, paleontology, and related fields to apply to this exciting new program. To find out more, including additional information on our
faculty, facilities, curriculum, student life and application requirements, please visit our website at http://rggs.amnh.org The application can be downloaded directly from our website; please note that the application deadline for Fall 2008 admission is December
28th, 2007. Please contact us: info-rggs@amnh.org, if you need any further information.

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