miércoles, octubre 08, 2008

Trabajo para hacer la tesis en paleontología en Suiza

Nos ha llegado información de un trabajo para hacer la tesis en el evento de extinción del final del Pérmico en la Universidad de Zurich. El trabajo de campo será en los Alpes y en EE.UU. Os la adjuntamos a continuación.

For our Swiss NSF project “Recovery of benthic marine communities after the end-Permian mass extinction event: A synecological approach” we are looking for a highly motivated PhD student.

Based on extensive fieldwork in the Alps and western USA, the successful candidate will investigate the recovery of benthic marine communitiesafter the end-Permian mass extinction from an ecological perspective.
Research methods include (1) detailed taxonomical, sedimentological, geochemical, and stratigraphical analyses of Early Triassic sedimentary successions, (2) quantitative sampling of the fossil content, (3) synecological analyses of benthic faunas (mainly bivalves, gastropods, and brachiopods), (4) documentation of ecological changes through time and space, and (5) interpretation of the data in terms of changing environmental conditions and intrinsic evolutionary dynamics. The results of the project are expected to shed light on evolutionary processes under the unusual conditions of a largely vacated ecospace, which will have important bearings for biodiversity research in general.

Experience in soft rock geology and field work is needed for the sampling part of this project. A strong background in invertebrate palaeontology as well as in sedimentology will be considered as valuable assets. Participation in teaching (mostly lab work and field courses) is expected in both Earth Sciences and Biology undergraduate programs. Candidates with a master degree in paleontology, geology or related topics, and a strong motivation to contribute to the success of our team are invited to apply. Other requirements are: proficiency in English, knowledge of German and social compatibility.

Candidates are invited to send their letter of motivation, CV, a copy of their Master thesis, and addresses of references to Dr. Michael Hautmann (e-mail: michael.hautmann@pim.uzh.ch), Paläontologisches Institut und
Museum, Universität Zürich, Karl Schmid-Strasse 4, CH-8006 Zurich, Switzerland. Dead line for application is October 31, 2008.

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