miércoles, noviembre 25, 2009

Propuesta de tesis en la Paleobiología del Precámbrico - Cambrico

Acaba de ofertarse un puesto de trabajo para hacer paleobiología del Cambrico - Precámbrico en el marco de una tesis doctoral en Suecia y Dinamarca. Os adjuntamos la información que nos ha llegado.

The Stockholm and Odense nodes of the Nordic Center for Earth Evolution (NordCEE) have an opening for a PhD project on Palaeoproterozoic microbial-mat communities and their environmental significance. The work will focus on the Lower Vindhyan phosphorites of central India. These have recently been shown to contain exquisitely preserved, diverse microbial communities of prokaryotes and eukaryotes within stromatolitic structures. The project aims to investigate these communities from both morphological and biogeochemical viewpoints in order to elucidate their taxonomic composition as well as their role in the Palaeoproterozoic biosphere.

The successful student applicant should have a good background in marine microbiology and biogeochemistry, preferably also in palaeontology and/or geochemistry. The project involves field work in central India in co-operation with Indian geologists. The student will be based both at the University of Southern Denmark (Odense) and the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Stockholm). We anticipate that the project will start on 1 February 2010. Please contact Don Canfield (dec@biology.sdu.dk) or Stefan Bengtson (stefan.bengtson@nrm.se) for further details.

See also information at http://www.jobs.sdu.dk/vis_stilling.php?id=5533&lang=eng.

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