viernes, febrero 26, 2010

Contratos Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)

Se han ofertado 11 contratos de iniciación a la investigación (Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers, ESRs) dentro de un proyecto de red europea (Initial Training Network) denominado "THROUGHFLOW". La mayoría de los contratos son para realizar proyectos de investigación paleontológica en el Oligoceno-Mioceno de Indonesia. Dos de estos proyectos, The origins and evolution of the modern Indo-Pacific reef algal flora (Algas calcáreas en el Oligoceno-Mioceno de Indonesia) y Shallow marine palaeoenvironments and the Indonesian
Throughflow (Paleoambientes en el Oligoceno-Mioceno de Borneo y Java), serán llevados a cabo bajo la dirección de Juan Carlos Braga de la Universidad de Granada. De acuerdo con las normas europeas, éstos en concreto no pueden ser solicitados por quienes hayan obtenido su título de licenciado, grado o master en un centro español, pero son bienvenidos candidatos de cualquier otro país. Os adjuntamos más información para los interesados.

We seek eleven Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to join the Initial Training Network "THROUGHFLOW" - an interdisciplinary team of earth and life scientists studying how long-term environmental changes have shaped the shallow marine biota of Southeast Asia. This region includes the most diverse ecosystems in the world, as well as the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) - the sole tropical ocean gateway and a significant influence on global climate. However, the origins of this biodiversity 'hotspot', and the significance of the ITF as a control on regional diversity are not fully understood. THROUGHFLOW will undertake a multidisciplinary study of key stratigraphical sections in Central Java and Eastern Kalimantan that will integrate data from geology, geochemistry, ocean modelling and palaeontology to reconstruct the Late Cenozoic history of the region.

Partner institutions include Bremen University, Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, Natural History Museum London, NCB Naturalis, Royal Holloway University of London, University of Granada, and Utrecht University. Project topics include palaeobiodiversity of bryozoans, calcareous algae, corals, large benthic formaninifera, and molluscs as well as stratigraphy, sedimentology, geochemistry, paleoceanography, and ocean modelling.

ESRs are expected to use their projects as part of a PhD degree. Applications should be sent to the appropriate partner institution as described at Salary and benefits will be paid as defined for ESRs within Marie Curie Actions, and funds will be available to cover research and training costs. Eligible candidates must meet mobility and recruitment requirements imposed by Marie Curie Actions (in general terms, this means a candidate
will have less than 5 years research experience and will be moving to a new country to take up the post). Applicants from non-EU countries are welcome as long as they meet these requirements. Following the policy of the Marie Curie Programme, we especially encourage applications from women researchers.

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