domingo, noviembre 21, 2010

Para hacer la tesis en Suecia

Parece que el mercado laboral y de tesis en Paleontología está un poco parado. Hacía días que no colgabamos nada en este apartado. Nos acaba de llegar información de una beca para hacer la tesis en la Uppsala University sobre el tema "Origins of Proterozoic-Cambrian photosynthetic microbiota". Información sobre esta beca en la web de la Universidad. Hemos extraído un poco de esa información.

PhD student position in Historical Geology and Palaentology at the Department of Earth Sciences. Origins of Proterozoic-Cambrian photosynthetic microbiota

Unicellular, organic-walled photosynthetic microbiota (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) diversified at an increasing rate through the Proterozoic and in the Cambrian explosion. Their phylogenetic relationships are still poorly understood because their morphology is not always sufficient to infer their systematic position. Studies of phenotypical features, combined with cell wall ultrastructure...

The PhD student will collaborate with researchers at Uppsala and in foreign universities working with the palaeobiology, systematics, ultrastructure and biogeochemistry of cell wall, and the evolution of organic-walled microbiota. The aim of the project is to elucidate the biological affiliations and relationships to extant microbiota of selected microfossils (acritarchs), with emphasis on their life cycle, reproduction and environmental adaptations...

The applicant should have a university degree with a background in micropalaeontology, palynology, biology and/or geology, and a keen interest in palaeobiology, evolution and biogeochemistry. Applicants with skills in microscopy, laboratory techniques and image analyses are especially welcomed. The abilities to work in a team, to share experiences and knowledge, and be open to the application of new methods of research are essential. Because of a strong international character of the research, applicant is expected to have a good knowledge (spoken and written) of the English language. Acquisition of a (basic) knowledge of Swedish is strongly recommended to facilitate departmental communication and activity, but this is not a requirement for recruitment.

The holder of a PhD-student position shall primarily devote her/his time to own research and study. Other departmental work, such as educational or administrative duties can be part of the position up to 20% of a fulltime work. The Ph.D. position is for four years where financing for the first year will be a postgraduate study grant (Utbildningsbidrag) and during the following three years as an employee of the university as a Ph.D student.

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