sábado, febrero 26, 2011

Un puesto para investigar en la Florida State University

Nos ha llegado información de un contrato de 15 meses en la Universidad estatal d Florida (EE.UU.) para trabajar en biología evolutiva. Os la adjuntamos

Position open for a 15 month project investigating allometry in fruit fly wings in the laboratory of David Houle, Florida State University. This Laboratory Technician position will involve measurement of flies, qrtPCR, data management, fly husbandry, and supervision of undergraduate assistants. Required qualifications are a Bachelor's degree in science or equivalent experience, and knowledge of computer software. Some programming experience is desirable. This project
will provide excellent experience in research in evolutionary biology in a pleasant working environment, and is likely to result in authorship on publications for a capable, enthusiastic employee. Salary from $28,000, depending on experience.

Contact Rosa Moscarella rmoscarella@bio.fsu.edu for more information.

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