miércoles, mayo 11, 2011

Puesto de investigador doctor en la Universidad de Arizona

Un puesto de trabajo de doctor en Paleontología en la Universidad de Arizona (EE.UU.). Os adjuntamos la información que nos ha llegado.

University of Arizona - Post-doctoral research scientist/temporary instructor - Paleobiology

The Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona seeks to hire a post-doctoral Research Scientist in the area of paleobiology. Duties will include:

1) research, publication and proposal-preparation in areas such as historical ecology, conservation paleobiology, taphonomy and paleoecology.
2) teaching introductory paleontology in the Fall 2011 semester.

Position is available July, 2011. This is a one-year position.
Qualifications: Ph.D. in a relevant field, publications and teaching experience.

Submit letter of interest, C.V., statement of teaching and research interests, and contact information for three references.
Apply: http://www.hr.arizona.edu/jobs
Job Title: Postdoctoral Research Scientist & Temporary Instructor
Department: 1205-Geosciences
Job Number: 47500
Application deadline: June 1, 2011

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