martes, mayo 31, 2011

Puesto de investigador en Paleobiología en la Universidad de Leicester

Nos ha llegado información de un puesto de trabajo de Investigador Ayudante en Paleobiologia en la Universidad de Leicester (Reino Unido). Os la adjuntamos.

Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who might be interested. This position is open to postgraduate and postdoctoral level applicants with a degree in a relevant geological or biological subject. A researcher is required to work with Mark Purnell and Sarah Gabbott, continuing their work on experimental decay and taphonomy of exceptionally well-preserved soft-bodied organisms (this particular project is focussed on lobopodians).

This is fixed term appointment (12 months). Closing date for this post is midnight June 28 2011. We anticipate that interviews will take place on July 14 2011. Full details of the nature of the position, further particulars and how to apply. Position Title: Research Assistant in Palaeobiology (Part-Time 0.6 FTE), Reference Number: SEN00188. Informal enquiries are welcome and should be made to me at

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