miércoles, mayo 25, 2011

Puesto de trabajo en la Universidad de Zurich, Suiza

Nos ha llegado información de un puesto en la Universidad de Zurich para geólogos, paleontólogos que tengan el Master. Se trata de realizar investigación en el Triásico. Os la adjuntamos

For our new SNF project The onset of the Early Triassic biotic recovery we are looking for a highly motivated PhD student. The project is part of the core activity of the Institute including the study of biotic and abiotic changes of the Late Permian and the Early Triassic. The main topic of the project is the study of organic mattern(palynology, palynofacies) and stable Carbon isotope geochemistry focusing on environmental changes and the related demise and recovery of the floras during this interval. It includes fieldwork in Greenland and possibly other areas as well as extensive lab work.

Candidates with a master degree or a diploma in geology, palaeontology or related topics, and a strong motivation to contribute to the success of our team are invited to apply. Participation in teaching (mostly lab work and field courses) is expected in our undergraduate program. Other requirements are proficiency in English, knowledge of German, and social compatibility.

Candidates are invited to send their letter of motivation, CV, a copy of their Master thesis, and three addresses of references to: Ms. Goetzmann (email sekretariat@pim.uzh.ch) Paläontologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Zürich, Karl Schmid-Strasse 4, CH-8006 Zurich. Dead line for application is June 30, 2011.

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