miércoles, noviembre 07, 2012

3rd Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology-2013

 Nos ha llegado información de un congreso de interés para los paleontólogos que estudian fósiles marino. Tiene buena pinta, aunque es un poco lejos, bueno para los chinos no. Todo depende del punto de vista. Os adjuntamos el texto.

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 3rd Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology-2013, which will be held  on September 23-25, 2013 in Hangzhou, China, we cordially welcome you to be a Speaker at Session 5-3: Marine Paleontology and Its Evolution. WCMB-2013 is always committing itself to be one of the world’s leading conferences in  the field of marine biotechnology. Under our theme Development and Utilization, Draw the Blue Future a particularly  rich technical program will leave you struggling to decide which concurrent session to attend. Some Topics of the  session are as the following.Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other idea.

Topic 1: Marine Invertebrate Paleontology
Topic 2: Marine Geology and Paleontology
Topic 3: Marine Vertebrate Paleontology
Topic 4: Marine Mammal Paleontology
Topic 5: Marine Micropalaeontology
Topic 6: Biostratigraphy in Marine Paleontology
Topic 7: Lithostratigraphy in Marine Paleontology
Topic 8: Chronostratigraphy in Marine Paleontology
Topic 9: Micropaleontology and Global Climate and Sea Change

WCMB-2013 will provide a platform for marine biotechnologists to debate on the issues affecting the progress of this emerging field and identify the challenges and opportunities facing the development of marine biotechnology. The
sessions will present the most recent advances in the fields of marine biotechnology research on Breaking Research and  Technologies in Marine Biotechnology, Environment Applications of Marine Biotechnology, Marine Natural Products,  Bioproducts and Bioactive Compounds, Marine Microbiology and Biodiversity and Marine-based Drug Discovery and  Development. Selected high qualified speakers will be from all over the world. These presentations will identify or  offer solutions to problems, utilize case studies, identify knowledge gaps or collaboration opportunities, and discuss  broader applications and implications of material presented.

For more details about the conference, please log on: http://www.bitconferences.com/wcmb2013

1 comentario:

  1. Si es un evento muy interesante. En mi blog: http://speedstar71.blogspot.com.es/ he indagado sobre la situacion del límite P/T en la Provincia de Valencia y he llegado a localizarlo "in situ" entre las formaciones Limos y Areniscas de Alcotas y Areniscas de Cañizar.
    Un saludo: José María Montes Villa.
