martes, noviembre 06, 2012

Puestos de investigadores paleontológos en el ICP

Del Institut Català de Paleontologia nos ha llegado información de una convocatoria para investigadores doctores. Os adjuntamos el mensaje.

The Ramón y Cajal call (postdoctoral senior) is open till November 27.
It is a 5 year postdoctoral grant, and the salary is approx 32.000

The Juan de la Cierva (postdoctoral junior) call is open till November
20. It is a 3 year postdoctoral grant, and the salary is around 25.000
gross /year.

Our center, Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont
( based at the Campus of Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, is ready to support applications to join one of our
research groups:
- Paleoprimatology and Human Paleontology, lead by Salvador Moyà-Solà
- Neogene & Quaternary Faunas, lead by David M. Alba
- Paleobiology, lead by Meike Köhler
- Mesozoic Faunas, lead by Àngel Galobart

If someone is interested, please contact Laila Pilgren
( for any further information.
Please, do not hesitate to forward this mail to anyone who could be interested.

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