lunes, enero 21, 2013

Ayudas para investigar en el Ocean Drilling Program

 Los micropaleontólogos conocen bien la investigación relacionada con el programa mundial de sondeos profundos en el oceano. Ha tenido diferentes nombres pero los objetivos son los mismos, investigar sobre los sedimentos del fondo marino. Se ha convocado una ayudas económicas para este programa. Os la adjuntamos

The European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) is sponsoring merit-based awards for outstanding graduate students to conduct research related to the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. The research may be directed toward the objectives of upcoming or past DSDP/ODP/IODP expeditions (core material and/or data). ECORD Grants cover travel and lab expenses or other approved costs related to the study. Preference will be given to studies conducted in a laboratory/institution other than the applicant’s home institution. Grants will not typically exceed 2000 €. Applicants should be enrolled in either a PhD or “early-career” post-doc programme at any institution from an ECORD country.

Deadline to apply: April 15, 2013

See more information about how to apply in the attached Call or visit

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