miércoles, enero 09, 2013

Puesto de trabajo en el San Diego Natural History Museum

Report Writer- Department of PaleoServices

Qualified candidates must have at least a B.S. Degree in Geology, Paleobiology, or related fields; 2 to 3 years of professional experience (especially in sedimentary geology and paleontology) and knowledge of the Cenozoic and Mesozoic history of California and/or the American Southwest region.  The successful candidate must also have excellent verbal, written, and interpersonal skills; good organizational skills and attention to detail; and a strong work ethic.  This position is a regular, full-time salaried position with benefits.  Compensation will be based on individual qualifications and experience (annual salary range $45,000 to $53,000).
Position responsibilities include:

*         Production of paleontological assessment technical reports (e.g., Caltrans PIR and PER reports)

*         Paleontological resource treatment plans (e.g., PMP and PMTP plans)

*         Paleontological mitigation final reports (e.g., mitigation of construction-related impacts caused by pipeline projects, transmission line projects, power generation projects, roadway projects, and urban and suburban development projects).

*         The various reports must be clearly written to convey the background, existing conditions, and findings of the paleontological assessment and/or mitigation work.

*         Opportunities include paleontological field work in the Southern California region and working with the extensive paleontological research collections of the San Diego Natural History Museum.

The San Diego Natural History Museum is run and operated by the San Diego Society of Natural History, a private non-profit scientific organization incorporated in 1874.  The Museum's mission is to interpret the natural world through research, education and exhibits; to promote understanding of the evolution and diversity of Southern California and the peninsula of Baja California; and to inspire in all a respect for nature and the environment.  Within the Museum, the Department of PaleoServices (DPS) specializes in paleontological resource management.  Our focus is on the recognition, recovery, and preservation of the significant and unique paleontological resources that occur in this region.  The activities of DPS are helping to preserve significant fossil assemblages and are directly contributing to the growth of the important paleontological research collections at the Museum.

Please email a cover letter and resume to msoetaert@sdnhm.org No phone calls, faxes or drop-ins please.

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