domingo, mayo 05, 2013

plaza de trabajo para un doctor en Paleontología en el Museo de Historia Natural de Stuttgart

 Nos ha llegado información de una
plaza de trabajo para un doctor en Paleontología en el Museo de Historia Natural de Stuttgart (Alemania). Os la adjuntamos para los que puedan interesarle y puedan...

We are seeking a highly motivated scientist with excellent team working skills and a strong desire to conduct research at a high international level including interdisciplinary projects. The State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart is an international renowned research institution. The palaeontological collections contain over 4.1 million specimens with about 60.000 aquatic vertebrates (focus on 40.000 fossil fish specimens).

- Pursuit of high quality, largely collection-based research on fossil aquatic vertebrates including field work and regular publications in internationally renowned journals,
- development of cooperative and interdisciplinary third-party funded research projects
- management, preservation and extension of the collection following professional museum standards, conservation principles, and museum policies and procedures,
- curation of the palaeoichthyological collection (among other parts),
- public outreach: communication of research results via popular science journals, lectures and other media; scientific conceptual design of exhibitions; responses to enquiries by the general public.

Required qualifications
- Ph.D. in palaeontology/palaeobiology
- excellent expertise in at least one group of fossil aquatic vertebrates
- sound expertise in the application of new methods, e.g., in histology, isotope
analysis, etc.
- outstanding publication record
- experience in museum-specific tasks (curation of the scientific collections, exhibitions)
- interest in systematics, phylogeny, evolution, fossil lagerstaetten (preferably
- spearheading national and international scientific collaborations and interdisciplinary projects
- proven experience in fundraising
-  solid computer skills, knowledge of statistics and database management desired
-  ability to work in a team, including the supervision of students, PhDs, volunteers, technical staff, etc.
-  firm willingness to teach at a university
- sound knowledge of English and the firm willingness to learn German

Applications are highly welcome. Salary for a curator is at E 13 TV-L (German public service salary scale). The official language is German. We are an equal opportunity employer. Please send your written application with standard documents to the following address by May, 31st, 2013: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, c/o Frau M. Lindner, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany. For further information, please contact the director of the museum, Prof. Dr. J. Eder (+49 711 8936 112) or Dr. R. Schoch (+49 711 8936 143).

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