sábado, julio 18, 2015

Para hacer la tesis en el Triásico

Dear colleagues,

We seek a talented student for a PhD position in the DFG founded project on “Evolution of tropical marine biodiversity, comparative analysis of Triassic Cassian-Formation with modern fauna”. The position is temporary for 36 months (TVL-E13, 60%).

Tasks: The successful candidate will be involved in quantitative sampling and taxonomic - paleo-ecological analysis of the fauna of Cassian Formation in the Dolomites. This is a mollusc dominated, diverse invertebrate fauna from the Upper Triassic. Statistical analyses should be carried out, in particular in view of beta-diversity pattern and in comparison to Recent fauna from tropical seas. Place of work is the GeoZentrum Nordbayern Section Palaeoenviromental Research. Fieldwork and analyses occur in connection with a project of Bavarian Natural History Collections (SNSB), Munich.

Qualifications: Master\'s degree in Geosciences or Biology with a minor in Palaeontology, very good English skills, interest in taxonomy and ecology, basic knowledge of statistics and R programming, self-motivated and ability to work as part of a team.

When applying send your curriculum vitae, list of publications, statement of research interests (keyword \"Cassian\") by 31.7.2015 to

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kiessling
Lehrstuhl für Paläoumwelt
Loewenichstr. 28
91054 Erlangen

See http://www.gzn.uni-erlangen.de/en/palaeontology/palaeoumwelt-home/ for more information about us.

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