martes, octubre 13, 2015

Maître de Conférence in Micropaleontology. Natural History Museum in Paris

A position of assistant professor (“Maître de Conférence”) in Micropaleontology will be opened next spring 2016 at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. Recruitment at the Museum and at Universities in France includes a special feature: the candidates must first be registered on the qualification list of the “Maître de Conférence”. If some of your postdocs are interested to apply for the assistant Professor position in Micropaleontology at the NHMuseum, they have first to register on the list of the “Maître de Conférence” of the National Museum of Natural History,section 36 -Terre solide : géodynamique des enveloppes supérieures, paléobiosphère

The deadline for submission of documents is October 22nd 2015.

Following French protocol, in order to be able to apply for the position, interested candidates must first be “approved” (\"qualifié\") by the French Ministry of Research. This approval procedure will be closed by the time the actual position description opens. Hence, only those who were \"approved\" will be able to apply for the position. The approval process, \"Qualification\", will close on October 22nd. And of course the procedure is in French.
Interested candidates should go to:

More information:

Eligible candidates should be qualified by Section 36 CNU, hence they should present for the \"qualification\":
- Copy of the PhD diploma
- CV (max 2 pages)
- Resumé of research, teaching, administrative and others activities (max 4 pages)
- Copy of the PhD thesis
- PhD jury report
- Publication list (with a letter of acceptance by editors for papers in press)
- A list of teaching experience (number of hours, level, description)

For more information about the position in MNHN, Paris contact:

Annachiara Bartolini, Pr MNHN,

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