viernes, julio 05, 2019

The Paleontological Society seeks to support undergraduate students interested in a career in paleontology who plan to attend the Geological Society of America meeting

The Paleontological Society seeks to support undergraduate students interested in a career in paleontology who plan to attend the 2019 Geological Society of America meeting in Phoenix, Arizona (Sept 21-25, 2019).

A limited number of grants are available to offset travel costs: $1,000 if the undergraduate is presenting original research at GSA and $500 if the undergraduate is just attending the meeting.

In addition to travel support, students will participate in mentoring opportunities with professional paleontologists and graduate students while at the meeting and receive a free 1‐year student membership to the Paleontological Society

In exchange, PS‐SAP students will be expected to volunteer at the PS booth for at least 5 hours during the meeting, and to use social media (e.g., blogs, Facebook, Twitter) to communicate to the Society about their experience at the meeting. In this way, students will serve as “ambassadors” for the Society.

To be eligible, students must be enrolled as an undergraduate student at an institution of higher education, have a stated interest in learning more about careers in paleontology, and be willing to use social media to promote PS activities at the conference. Students with diverse backgrounds (including race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, neurodiversity, accessibility, first-generation college, etc.) are encouraged to apply.

All documents must be received by Thursday, August 1, 2019.

For more info, please see:

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