miércoles, septiembre 23, 2020

Deep Time/Paleobiology Education Specialist Contract -

 Deep Time/Paleobiology Education Specialist Contract -

The Office of Education, Outreach, and Visitor Experiences (EOVE) at the National Museum of Natural History is seeking a talented and passionate individual to support the museum’s  Deep Time Initiative resources, programs, and volunteers. This person will be working with EOVE, scientists, and other staff to: develop activities and programs for digital and onsite audiences including visitors to the new Hall of Fossils, families, adults, and teens; support student and teacher learning; train and support volunteers in content and public engagement strategies; and connect audiences to objects and experts through creative and diverse programming and experiences.

Deadline is 5pm October 9th, 2020.  Contract to begin approximately November 1, 2020.
To submit materials, please visit:
Please send questions to Jennifer Collins at CollinsJE@si.edu<mailto:CollinsJE@si.edu>.

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