viernes, mayo 25, 2007

Para hacer la Tesis Doctoral en el Carbonífero y el Pérmico

Os adjuntamos información de una oferta de trabajo para realizar una tesis doctoral sobre vertebrados de conservación excepcional del Permo-Triásico de la antigua Checoslovaquia y Alemania. Es una beca orientada para geólogos o biólogos europeos. Para los recien licenciados con un buen inglés es una buena oportunidad para investigar en vertebrados.

PhD position available (2007-2010). Exceptional preservation of vertebrates in Permo-Carboniferous continental basins. The project is a study of the skeletal and soft tissue taphonomy of vertebrates from two late Palaeozoic exceptional faunas: the Nýrany Plattenkohle, from the late Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) of the Czech Republic; the Saar-Nahe Basin, from the Autunian (Lower Rotliegend) (Lower Permian) of Germany. The research will utilise material held by several European institutions, complemented by limited fieldwork. The primary objective will be to elucidate the taphonomic history of each fauna, in particular the impact of external factors (sedimentological context and diagenetic history) on variation in the fidelity of preservation. In addition the integument of selected fossils will be reconstructed in detail, and compared with that of extant analogues and the results of decay experiments. This will provide important data from fossils on the physiological adaptations required in the transition from water to land.
A primary degree in the Geological or Zoological Sciences is required; applicants should have, or expect to receive, a grade equivalent to at least BSc(Hons)2i. The student will gain experience in vertebrate palaeobiology, sedimentology, diagenesis, the last involving extensive use of various electron microscope-based analytical techniques. (S)he will also be involved in oral/visual presentations at international conferences plus various aspects of project planning, data management and report writing.

Supervisors: Dr Patrick Orr (School of Geological Sciences, University College Dublin), Dr Stuart Kearns (Dept of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol) and Prof. Michael Benton (Dept of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol). The PhD is fully funded (Science Foundation Ireland Research Frontiers Programme 2007), with a stipend of circa 16,000euros per year, and will be held at UCD; the analytical programme will be undertaken at the University of Bristol.

Please send, as a pdf or Word document, a copy of your cv, a 1 page covering letter detailing your suitability for the project, and the names and contact details, including e-mail address, of two potential referees to Dr Patrick Orr ( by 25th June 2007. Interviews will be held at the beginning of July (in either Dublin or Bristol). A September 2007 start is anticipated. The position is directed, in the first instance, towards EU citizens, although others are welcome to apply.

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