miércoles, mayo 23, 2007

Trabajo para un doctor en Paleontología en Australia

Os adjuntamos información de un trabajo de Paleonet para un doctor de Paleontología que haya o que le interese trabajar en arrecifes de coral. El contrato es para la Universidad de James Cook de Australia. El sueldo es bueno..., solo hay que animarse, nunca se sabe.

Postdoctoral or Senior Research Fellowship in Coral Reef Biodiversity ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies James Cook University, Townsville (Australia). The ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies seeks a postdoctoral or senior research fellow to work in any area of coral reef biodiversity (e.g., biogeography, phylogeography, paleobiology, evolution, mathematical modelling, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem function). Based at James Cook University in Townsville (Australia), the appointee will contribute to improving understanding of mechanisms and processes that maintain local and global biodiversity of coral reefs. The successful applicant will have substantial freedom to forge a research program that suits her or his interests and abilities.

Selection criteria include: PhD in a relevant discipline (PhD candidates who will complete their degrees before late 2007 are also encouraged to apply). An excellent publication record for stage of career. Capacity to bring fresh approaches to the study of coral reef biodiversity (either conceptual or technical, preferably both) that will complement and enhance, rather than duplicate, existing areas of strength in the Centre. Prior knowledge of coral reefs is desirable, but not essential.

The ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, administered by James Cook University, is one of the world’s largest providers of the knowledge that underpins our capacity to understand and manage coral reefs. It includes 30 Chief Investigators and research fellows, distributed across multiple universities in Australia. For further information about the Centre, visit http://www.coralcoe.org.au.

Enquiries to: Associate Professor Sean Connolly. Sean.Connolly@jcu.edu.au. To apply, please forward a CV, email addresses of 3 potential referees, and a 1-2 page description of research interests addressing Selection Criterion #3, above, to Sean Connolly at the above email address. Employment Type: Appointment will be through June 2010, subject to a probationary period. Salary . AUD$57168 to $61258 per annum for Academic Level A. AUD$64407 to $76210 per annum for Academic Level B

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