La Society of Vertebrate Paleontology otorga anualmente unas ayudas para trabajos de campo en paleontologia de vertebrados para estudiantes que estan iniciando su investigacion. Os adjuntamos toda la informacion por si se animan algunos de nuestros jovenes investigadores en Paleontologia.
The purpose of this award, named in honor of Dr. Bryan Patterson, is to support student field work in vertebrate paleontology. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply. Applicants and their sponsors must be SVP members or pending members. There will be one award of $2000 or two awards of $1000. Proposals for the Patterson Award must be for field work, and particular consideration will be given to proposals for field work that is innovative rather than routine, venturesome rather than predictable, unusual rather than run-of-the-mill. The Patterson Award may be used to supplement other sources of funding (and vice versa); if such funding is currently available, please include this information in the budget section of the application form. If completion of the project depends upon securing other funding, indicate this as well.
The application consists of a two-page form. Do not attach letters, CVs, reprints, photos, or any other supporting documents; extra pages will be discarded. All applications must be approved and signed by a faculty sponsor (or the equivalent). By signing, the sponsor signifies that this is a worthy project in the spirit of the award. The applicant should indicate in the text of the proposal whether permits are necessary for the field work, and how such permits will be obtained. The successful applicant(s) will be expected to report on his or her work at a future SVP meeting and/or in the SVP News Bulletin.
El impreso y el resto de la informacion se puede descargar en:
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