Para nuestros colegas argentinos, nos ha llegado información desde el APA sobre las Becas Fulbrigt que os adjuntamos.
El PROGRAMA DE BECAS FULBRIGHT otorga becas a investigadores junior y senior argentinos para realizar proyectos de investigación en universidades de los Estados Unidos. Las becas son por tres meses y cubren
todos los costos. Estas becas son sumamente prestigiosas y numerosos investigadores argentinos y de otros 155 países han recibido becas en los últimos 60 años. 36 becarios Fulbright han recibido posteriormente el Premio Nobel El concurso de becas estará abierto hasta el 15 de octubre.
Para mayor información consultar
Teléfono: (011) 48143561/62
viernes, septiembre 19, 2008
Información falsa y dinosaurios "falsos"
Uno de los grandes problemas en la divulgación científica de la paleontología es el poco rigor que suele existir en las noticias que hay sobre este tema, y lo que es peor la facilidad que tienen algunos periodistas a reinventar la información. Continúa en Aragosaurus
miércoles, septiembre 17, 2008
Dos puestos de Profesor Ayudante en Ecología y Evolución en la la Universidad Stony Brook
Nos ha llegado información de dos puestos de trabajo en bioestadística y ecología de plantas en el Department of Ecology and Evolution de la Brook University que os adjuntamos
Ecological/Evolutionary Statistics: We seek a biostatistician working in ecology and/or evolution, with broad experience in statistical theory and methods. We especially welcome those developing new statistical approaches. The research area is open. Possible research areas could include statistical genetics, genomics, landscape ecology, population dynamics, and morphometrics using approaches including multivariate analysis, meta-analysis, Bayesian statistics, and spatial statistics, among others. The successful candidate will teach a core graduate course in Biometry as well as other graduate or undergraduate courses in their area of expertise.
Terrestrial Plant Ecology: We are seeking applications from plant ecologists working at the interface between community and ecosystem ecology and interested in problems related to global change, but we will consider outstanding candidates in any area of plant ecology, including species interactions, community dynamics, physiological ecology, and plant demography. Candidates with strong backgrounds in quantitative methods and with interests in spatial or experimental approaches are especially welcome.
Applications will be considered as they are received until November 1. Stony Brook University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Replies will be sent to the list. For more information visit
Ecological/Evolutionary Statistics: We seek a biostatistician working in ecology and/or evolution, with broad experience in statistical theory and methods. We especially welcome those developing new statistical approaches. The research area is open. Possible research areas could include statistical genetics, genomics, landscape ecology, population dynamics, and morphometrics using approaches including multivariate analysis, meta-analysis, Bayesian statistics, and spatial statistics, among others. The successful candidate will teach a core graduate course in Biometry as well as other graduate or undergraduate courses in their area of expertise.
Terrestrial Plant Ecology: We are seeking applications from plant ecologists working at the interface between community and ecosystem ecology and interested in problems related to global change, but we will consider outstanding candidates in any area of plant ecology, including species interactions, community dynamics, physiological ecology, and plant demography. Candidates with strong backgrounds in quantitative methods and with interests in spatial or experimental approaches are especially welcome.
Applications will be considered as they are received until November 1. Stony Brook University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Replies will be sent to the list. For more information visit
Curso de Técnicas Avanzadas en Fotografía Científica en la Universidad de Huelva

En este curso se impartirán, por primera vez en España, un grupo de técnicas avanzadas de fotografía científica, aplicables también a casi todas las ramas de la fotografía con resultados realmente espectaculares. Una parte de este curso se dedicará al estudio de la fotografía de fenómenos invisibles al ojo humano: fotografía ultravioleta, infrarroja, fluorescencia; sus técnicas, utilidades, etc. Todo ello con cámaras digitales DSLR corrientes. Durante el resto del curso, se explicarán las técnicas mas avanzadas y novedosas en fotografía digital: sistemas profundidad de campo infinita, métodos para la obtención de imágenes de alta gama dinámica, sistemas de súper enfoque e hiper resolución, supresión de
ruido digital, empleo del GPS en fotografía, etc. Todas las clases incluyen teoría y prácticas con dos profesores, considerados los mejores especialistas de España y Portugal en su campo. Aunque las clases se impartirán con rigor científico, nos volcaremos en resaltar las partes más curiosas, anecdóticas y sorprendentes, mediante simpáticos y llamativos experimentos con los más avanzados sistemas empleados en la actualidad. Más información e inscripciones en
martes, septiembre 16, 2008
Los neandertales más viejos de Cataluña podrían tener 90.000 años
Juan Manuel López-García (Juanma), Hugues Alexandre Blain (Hugo), Gloria Cuenca-Bescós y Juan Luis Arsuaga acaban de publicar un artículo en la prestigiosa revista Journal of Human Evolution, en el que demuestran que los restos de homínidos neandertales mas antiguos descubiertos en Cataluña pueden tener una edad entre los 90 y los 60 mil años. Más información en Aragosaurus
Puesto de Micropaleontólogo en Basilea, Suiza
Por Paleonet nos ha llegado la oferta de un puesto de trabajo de Micropaleontólogo para el Museo de Basilea ( Suiza ). Os adjuntamos la información
PhD project in micropaleontology Geosciences Department Natural History Museum Basel, Switzerland. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 25 November 2008. In the framework of the research project Evolutionary prospection in Neogene planktonic foraminiferaa PhD position is available at the Natural History Museum in Basel, Switzerland. In this project we investigate the
morphological evolution of selected planktonic foraminifera in a Late Pliocene time- slice and in selected deep-sea cores from the Late Miocene through Quaternary. Methods include geometric morphometry using automated digital imaging systems, stable isotope analysis, and the study of shell-ontogeny. The goal is obtain quantitative models about the patterns and process of speciation in these marine protists. The project is funded by the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific. Research for 36 months, beginning on 1 January 2009.
Your specific tasks: 1.) Morphometry of planktonic foraminiferal shells from globally distributed Late Pliocene deep-sea samples, and quantitative analysis of shell variability. 2.) Ontogenetic studies of foraminiferal shells. 3.) Geochemical (stable isotope) analysis of foraminiferal shells. 4.) Application and further development of our AMOR system (Automated Measurement system for the morphology of microfossils) in collaboration with engineering students from FHNW. 5.) Publication of the results.
Your profile: 1.) A prerequisite for this position is a recent master's degree or equivalent qualification in earth sciences or biology. 2.) You are curious and highly motivated in solving questions about microevolutionary patterns and processes of marine microfossils, and you like testing scientific theories. 3.) You are especially interested in application and development of automated digital image based morphometry. 4.) You are familiar with oceanic micropaleontology. 5.) You have a good ability for quantitative analysis. Knowledge in computer programming is a plus, willingness to acquire such abilities for digital image processing is expected.
6.) You like interdisciplinary working in a mixed Museum-University environment. 7.) You have good knowledge of English (written and spoken).
Please send your application including a CV, a proof of your successful completion of your masters/diploma degree, a short statement about your research interests, and references to: Dr. Michael Knappertsbusch, Natural History Museum Basel, Augustinergasse 2, 4001-Basel, Switzerland. Homepage:
PhD project in micropaleontology Geosciences Department Natural History Museum Basel, Switzerland. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 25 November 2008. In the framework of the research project Evolutionary prospection in Neogene planktonic foraminiferaa PhD position is available at the Natural History Museum in Basel, Switzerland. In this project we investigate the
morphological evolution of selected planktonic foraminifera in a Late Pliocene time- slice and in selected deep-sea cores from the Late Miocene through Quaternary. Methods include geometric morphometry using automated digital imaging systems, stable isotope analysis, and the study of shell-ontogeny. The goal is obtain quantitative models about the patterns and process of speciation in these marine protists. The project is funded by the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific. Research for 36 months, beginning on 1 January 2009.
Your specific tasks: 1.) Morphometry of planktonic foraminiferal shells from globally distributed Late Pliocene deep-sea samples, and quantitative analysis of shell variability. 2.) Ontogenetic studies of foraminiferal shells. 3.) Geochemical (stable isotope) analysis of foraminiferal shells. 4.) Application and further development of our AMOR system (Automated Measurement system for the morphology of microfossils) in collaboration with engineering students from FHNW. 5.) Publication of the results.
Your profile: 1.) A prerequisite for this position is a recent master's degree or equivalent qualification in earth sciences or biology. 2.) You are curious and highly motivated in solving questions about microevolutionary patterns and processes of marine microfossils, and you like testing scientific theories. 3.) You are especially interested in application and development of automated digital image based morphometry. 4.) You are familiar with oceanic micropaleontology. 5.) You have a good ability for quantitative analysis. Knowledge in computer programming is a plus, willingness to acquire such abilities for digital image processing is expected.
6.) You like interdisciplinary working in a mixed Museum-University environment. 7.) You have good knowledge of English (written and spoken).
Please send your application including a CV, a proof of your successful completion of your masters/diploma degree, a short statement about your research interests, and references to: Dr. Michael Knappertsbusch, Natural History Museum Basel, Augustinergasse 2, 4001-Basel, Switzerland. Homepage:
lunes, septiembre 15, 2008
Darwin y los iguanodontes de Bernissart

Aprovechando la inauguración de la Nueva Galería de la Evolución del Museo de Bruselas donde están expuestos se va a celebrar el congreso Charles Darwin y los iguanodontes de Bernissart. Más información en Aragosaurus.
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