premios Paleonturología, que la Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis FCPTD), Fundación Teruel SIGLO XXI y Dinópolis conceden cada año a una publicación científica sobre Paleontología. Os adjuntamos esta información:
The purpose of rewarding palaeontological research and promoting it among teenagers, declare open the Ninth International Award in Palaeontological Research (Paleonturology 11) based on the following Requirements:
Any palaeontological research paper published in 2010 in any language and format can apply for the award. That is, the papers either published in 2010 or if the work is still in press in the moment of applying to the award, it must be justified that the year appearing on the on the first page of the paper must be 2010. If a work was published electronically during 2010 and was later printed with a date of 2011, the paper in electronic format could be presented to the award session Paleonturology 11 or the printed version could be presented to Paleonturoloy 12 (the author should select only one of these options).
The papers can be entered by:
A) Their author. Supposing it is signed by several authors, one of them, preferably the first author, will certify that all the others accept to be represented by him to all intents and purposes before the organisation. In case there is more than one author, we understand by author the first person signing it or the one who can prove being the representative of the others.
B) Any other person or organisation.
It is compulsory to present a printed copy or a PDF file and a registration form. The author will ensure that the copy –or the file- in the hands of the organisers before November 15, 2011. This is the address where these files/forms should be sent: Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis. Avda. Sagunto s/n. E-44002 Teruel (Spain). e-mail: Tel.: +34 978 61 76 30, Fax: +34 978 61 76 38
The jury will be made up of three outstanding researchers (appointed by the organisers) and by the Director of the FCPTD, acting as a Secretary, but without a right to vote. Its constitution will be known at the same time as their decision.
The Ninth International Award in Palaeontological Research Paleonturology 11 is endowed with a Four Thousand Five Hundred Euros (4.500 €) prize –indivisible and subject to the current fiscal legislation- and, prior to its acceptance, the author will be committed to writing a version to popularise the awarded paper paying special attention to additional graphics that may be required. It has to be sent to the organisation within a period of four months from the notification of the award and to relinquish the publication rights to the organisation. The organisation will use it to publish a popular version (it will be translated, if necessary), and will collaborate with the author to reach the required didactic level (students between 15 and 17 years of age). The mentioned right has to be exercised within a year from the date of the decision.
The amount of the award will be paid in its 50% within a period of two months from the notification of the award and the remaining 50% when the popular version is handed in.
A previous jury, composed by experts in Palaeontology, will select the number of papers they estimate relevant, in any case not less than ten.
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