Professor in Palaeontology. The School delivers the only single
honours Palaeontology undergraduate degree in the UK and has an
excellent reputation for its research in this area. Candidates will
have a substantial international research profile as evidenced by
publications in leading journals and a track record of attracting
research funding. You will provide vision and strategic leadership and
develop close interdisciplinary research collaborations with members
of the Biodiversity and Evolution research group which also includes
staff from the School of Biological Sciences
We particularly wish to encourage applications from those with
expertise in the use of environmental change proxies to interpret
modern and past environments, and/or cladistics and phylogeny.
Candidates should be passionate about teaching and research, and
possess the appropriate dynamism, expertise and qualifications to
contribute to the academic development of our undergraduate and
postgraduate Palaeontology programme. You will be expected to
enthusiastically integrate your research specialisms into your
teaching, thus contributing to the University's strategy for
research-informed teaching. Responsibilities will also include active
participation in the School’s fieldwork programme (local and
Researchers from the School formed an important part of the
University’s submission to REF 2014, with over 70% of our research
outputs in the earth systems and environmental sciences area being
judged to be either world leading or internationally excellent. The
research group has benefitted from substantial investment by the
University in new laboratories and capital equipment. The successful
candidate will have direct access to a wide range of modern analytical
instrumentation, including two new Zeiss Evo SEMs, laser ablation and
solution ICPMS and MC-ICPMS, ICP-OES, XRD, XRF as well as sample
preparation for solid and dissolved samples in a range of dedicated
new and clean labs. In addition, our Institute of Marine Sciences
houses a state-of-the-art aquarium and sea water system for culturing
experiments at a range of conditions. Recent acquisitions of μCT and
X-ray microscope machines within the university offer potential for
advanced imaging and chemical analysis of palaeontological specimens.
All of our facilities benefit from excellent specialist technical
support. The School is committed to gender equality and to obtaining
an Athena SWAN Bronze Award later this year.
Prospective candidates may wish to seek informal discussions with the
Head of School, Professor Rob Strachan:
e-mail rob.strachan@port.ac.uk
For detailed information about the vacancy, please select this
link:ZZ600886 - Professor of Palaeontology.docx
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