La XLII Sesión Científica de la SGE se va a celebrar en el Campus de Móstoles de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, el 25 de Mayo del 2007. El plazo para el envío de manuscritos acaba el 15 de Febrero, una vez aprobados se publicarán en Geogaceta. Se va a celebrar la actividad titulada "Herramientas para obtención y análisis de datos de superficies planetarias"
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sábado, enero 27, 2007
viernes, enero 26, 2007
Para hacer la tesis en Morfometría de humanos y primates
Acaba de ofertarse un puesto de trabajo para realizar la tesis doctoral en morfometría de primates, incluyendo humanos en la Universidad Paul Sabatier (Touluse, Francia). Para los interesados os adjuntamos la información:
The Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse 3), Toulouse, France, is seeking to recruit a doctoral researcher in the field of skeletal morphometrics in human and non-human primates. The fellow will work mainly in the Université Paul Sabatier (both the ?Institut de Recherches en Informatique de Toulouse? and the Laboratoire Anthropologie Biologique) and in the Université de la Méditerranée (Marseille). The
ideal candidate would be a computer scientist who has research interests focused on matching of three dimensional (3D) point sets between pairs of surfaces, or between surface meshes. The position requires a good knowledge of non-rigid and rigid registration of surfaces. The fellow will concentrate his research on the representation in 3D and the uncertainty of estimated transforms (by error estimation) as well as on differences between point-based and feature-based (curves, surfaces) similarity measures.
The position is supported by the European FP6 Marie Curie Programme. The researcher will have access to laboratory space, computing equipment, relevant analytical software and computed tomography data of cross-sectional fetal, neonatal and postnatal samples of H. sapiens, as well as postnatal samples of Pan paniscus (Bonobo), Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee) and South African fossil hominids.
Mobility is essential, since the researcher would be required to travel between Toulouse and Marseille, in the South of France. She/he will also be required to spend time with other groups involved in the European Virtual Anthropology Network, as well as participate in international conferences, training courses, workshops and seminars organised by the network. The project will focus on the three dimensional assessment of the spatial relationships between various dental and skeletal components of the head in order to reveal mechanisms of development and evolution. Forensic medicine will represent another important application of the project and will consist in the analysis of some infra-cranial skeletal parts (mainly the pelvis). Experience in methods, models and tools for the analysis of virtual objects will be advantageous.
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The Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse 3), Toulouse, France, is seeking to recruit a doctoral researcher in the field of skeletal morphometrics in human and non-human primates. The fellow will work mainly in the Université Paul Sabatier (both the ?Institut de Recherches en Informatique de Toulouse? and the Laboratoire Anthropologie Biologique) and in the Université de la Méditerranée (Marseille). The
ideal candidate would be a computer scientist who has research interests focused on matching of three dimensional (3D) point sets between pairs of surfaces, or between surface meshes. The position requires a good knowledge of non-rigid and rigid registration of surfaces. The fellow will concentrate his research on the representation in 3D and the uncertainty of estimated transforms (by error estimation) as well as on differences between point-based and feature-based (curves, surfaces) similarity measures.
The position is supported by the European FP6 Marie Curie Programme. The researcher will have access to laboratory space, computing equipment, relevant analytical software and computed tomography data of cross-sectional fetal, neonatal and postnatal samples of H. sapiens, as well as postnatal samples of Pan paniscus (Bonobo), Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee) and South African fossil hominids.
Mobility is essential, since the researcher would be required to travel between Toulouse and Marseille, in the South of France. She/he will also be required to spend time with other groups involved in the European Virtual Anthropology Network, as well as participate in international conferences, training courses, workshops and seminars organised by the network. The project will focus on the three dimensional assessment of the spatial relationships between various dental and skeletal components of the head in order to reveal mechanisms of development and evolution. Forensic medicine will represent another important application of the project and will consist in the analysis of some infra-cranial skeletal parts (mainly the pelvis). Experience in methods, models and tools for the analysis of virtual objects will be advantageous.
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jueves, enero 25, 2007
XXIII Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontologia de Vertebrados

Se acaba de publicar la segunda circular de las XXIII Jornadas Argentinas. de Paleontología de Vertebrados (JAVP) que se van a celebrar en el Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio (Trelew, Chubut, Argentina). La fecha límite de enviar resúmenes es el 2 de Marzo del 2007. La inscripción se puede hacer "on-line". Más información en
Geologia del Caribe y Centroamerica
Nos ha llegado información sobre la Conferencia sobre Geología del Caribe que tuvo lugar el pasado mes de Mayo en Sigüenza (Guadalajara). Para aquellos que estén interesados, los resúmenes de los trabajos presentados allí se pueden encontrar en la dirección
Adicionalmente la Sociedad Geológica de Londres va a publicar las memorias de esta conferencia bajo la forma de una
Publicación Especial en 2007.
Adicionalmente la Sociedad Geológica de Londres va a publicar las memorias de esta conferencia bajo la forma de una
Publicación Especial en 2007.
miércoles, enero 24, 2007
Tiburon "prehistorico"
Se ha filmado en Japón imagenes de un tiburón que vive a gran profundidad, y que estaría relacionado con taxones del Cretácico. Un auténtico fósil viviente
Más información y el video se puede consultar en la web del Pais, dirección en:
Más información y el video se puede consultar en la web del Pais, dirección en:
Para hacer la tesis en sauropodos en Alemania
Se han publicado dos becas para hacer la tesis en Alemania con saurópodos. Os adjuntamos la información
Position 1: PhD Position in Materials Science and Vertebrate Paleontology, Max Planck Insitute for Iron Research Dusseldorf, and Institute of Paleontology, University of Bonn, Germany. A PhD position in Materials Science and Vertebrate Paleontology is available beginning April 1st, 2007, for research on growth and life history of sauropod dinosaurs as deduced from bone histology. The position is for a maximum of three years and is part of the recently approved 2nd funding period of the DFG Research Unit "Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: the Evolution of Gigantism" ( This Research Unit consists of 13 individual projects based at several German and a Swiss universities and offers great opportunities for interaction with collegues from fields as disparate as animal nutrition, physiology, and materials science, with a paleontological research program at the center. The salary is based on the German Tv-L 13 category which pays about EU 16,900 p.a. The topic of the project is the The hierarchical structure of sauropodomorph bones as a key to exceptional body size: insights from materials science. The data base are histological samples of sauropod long and girdle bones, many of which are already available. The point of departure are the following studies:
Sander, P. M. 2000. Long bone histology of the Tendaguru sauropods: Implications for growth and biology. Paleobiology 26:466-488.
Pyzalla, A., P. M. Sander, A. Hansen, F. R., S.-B. Yi, M. Stempniwicz, and H.-G. Brokmeier 2006. Texture analysis of sauropod dinosaur bones from Tendaguru. Materials Science & Engineering A 437:2-9.
Ferreyro, R., N. Zoeger, N. Cernohlawek, C. Jokubonis, A. Koch, C. Streli, P. Wobrauschek, P. M. Sander, and A. Pyzalla 2006. Determination of element distribution in sauropod long bones by micro-XRF. Advances in X-ray Analysis 49:230-235.
Requirements - Master´s degree or equivalent in either paleontology or geology/crystallography or physics,interest in microscopy and other physical methods, including appropriate computer skills. Fluency in spoken and written English is required. Applications should include CV, copies of diplomas and/or college course
transcripts, names, mail and e-mail addresses of all recent advisers, list of publications, and a short (one paragraph) statement of research/career interests. All applications are to be sent by mail or e-mail to:
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Sander or Prof. Dr. Anke R. Pyzalla
Institut fuer Palaeontologie Max-Planck-Institute fuer Eisenforschung
Nussallee 8 Max-Planck-Strasse 1
D-53115 Bonn D-40237 Duesseldorf
Germany Germany
Posting Date: January 19, 2007. Closing Date: March 4, 2007
Position 2:
PhD Position in Vertebrate Paleontology, University of Bonn, Germany. A PhD position in Vertebrate Paleontology is available beginning April 1st, 2007, for research on growth and life history of sauropod dinosaurs as deduced from bone histology. The position is for a maximum of three years and is part of the recently approved 2nd funding period of the DFG Research Unit "Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: the Evolution of Gigantism" ( This Research Unit consists of 13 individual projects based at several German and a Swiss university and offers great opportunities for interaction with colleagues from fields as disparate as animal nutrition, physiology, and materials science, with a paleontological research program at the center. The salary is based on the German TV-L 13 category which pays approximately EU 16,900 p.a. The topic of the project is the evolution of sauropodomorph long bone histology: fibrolamellar bone, thermophysiology, and gigantism. The data base are histological samples of sauropod long and girdle bones, many of which are already available. The point of departure are the following studies:
Sander, P. M. 2000. Long bone histology of the Tendaguru sauropods: Implications for growth and biology. Paleobiology 26:466-488.
Sander, P. M., N. Klein, E. Buffetaut, G. Cuny, V. Suteethorn, and J. Le Loeuff 2004. Adaptive radiation in sauropod dinosaurs: Bone histology indicates rapid evolution of giant body size through acceleration. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 4:165-173.
Sander, P. M., and N. Klein 2005. Developmental plasticity in the life history of a prosauropod dinosaur. Science 310:1800-1802.
Sander, P. M., and N. Klein 2006. An unusual bone histology and growth pattern in/ Ampelosaurus atacis/, a titanosaurid sauropod from South France. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26:85A.
Sander, P. M., O. Mateus, T. Laven, and N. Knötschke 2006. Bone histology indicates insular dwarfism in a new Late Jurassic sauropod dinosaur. Nature 441:739-741.
Requirements - Master´s degree or equivalent in either paleontology or geology or zoology, background in vertebrate paleontology and/or bone histology, ability to work on a light microscope and to work quantitatively, including appropriate computer skills. Fluency in spoken and written English is required. Applications should include CV, copies of diplomas and/or college course transcripts, names, mail and e-mail addresses of all recent advisers, list of publications, and a short (one paragraph) statement of research/career interests. All applications are to be sent by mail or e-mail to:
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Sander
Institut fuer Palaeontologie. Nussallee 8
53115 Bonn. Germany
Posting Date: January 22, 2007. Closing Date: March 4, 2007
Position 1: PhD Position in Materials Science and Vertebrate Paleontology, Max Planck Insitute for Iron Research Dusseldorf, and Institute of Paleontology, University of Bonn, Germany. A PhD position in Materials Science and Vertebrate Paleontology is available beginning April 1st, 2007, for research on growth and life history of sauropod dinosaurs as deduced from bone histology. The position is for a maximum of three years and is part of the recently approved 2nd funding period of the DFG Research Unit "Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: the Evolution of Gigantism" ( This Research Unit consists of 13 individual projects based at several German and a Swiss universities and offers great opportunities for interaction with collegues from fields as disparate as animal nutrition, physiology, and materials science, with a paleontological research program at the center. The salary is based on the German Tv-L 13 category which pays about EU 16,900 p.a. The topic of the project is the The hierarchical structure of sauropodomorph bones as a key to exceptional body size: insights from materials science. The data base are histological samples of sauropod long and girdle bones, many of which are already available. The point of departure are the following studies:
Sander, P. M. 2000. Long bone histology of the Tendaguru sauropods: Implications for growth and biology. Paleobiology 26:466-488.
Pyzalla, A., P. M. Sander, A. Hansen, F. R., S.-B. Yi, M. Stempniwicz, and H.-G. Brokmeier 2006. Texture analysis of sauropod dinosaur bones from Tendaguru. Materials Science & Engineering A 437:2-9.
Ferreyro, R., N. Zoeger, N. Cernohlawek, C. Jokubonis, A. Koch, C. Streli, P. Wobrauschek, P. M. Sander, and A. Pyzalla 2006. Determination of element distribution in sauropod long bones by micro-XRF. Advances in X-ray Analysis 49:230-235.
Requirements - Master´s degree or equivalent in either paleontology or geology/crystallography or physics,interest in microscopy and other physical methods, including appropriate computer skills. Fluency in spoken and written English is required. Applications should include CV, copies of diplomas and/or college course
transcripts, names, mail and e-mail addresses of all recent advisers, list of publications, and a short (one paragraph) statement of research/career interests. All applications are to be sent by mail or e-mail to:
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Sander or Prof. Dr. Anke R. Pyzalla
Institut fuer Palaeontologie Max-Planck-Institute fuer Eisenforschung
Nussallee 8 Max-Planck-Strasse 1
D-53115 Bonn D-40237 Duesseldorf
Germany Germany
Posting Date: January 19, 2007. Closing Date: March 4, 2007
Position 2:
PhD Position in Vertebrate Paleontology, University of Bonn, Germany. A PhD position in Vertebrate Paleontology is available beginning April 1st, 2007, for research on growth and life history of sauropod dinosaurs as deduced from bone histology. The position is for a maximum of three years and is part of the recently approved 2nd funding period of the DFG Research Unit "Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: the Evolution of Gigantism" ( This Research Unit consists of 13 individual projects based at several German and a Swiss university and offers great opportunities for interaction with colleagues from fields as disparate as animal nutrition, physiology, and materials science, with a paleontological research program at the center. The salary is based on the German TV-L 13 category which pays approximately EU 16,900 p.a. The topic of the project is the evolution of sauropodomorph long bone histology: fibrolamellar bone, thermophysiology, and gigantism. The data base are histological samples of sauropod long and girdle bones, many of which are already available. The point of departure are the following studies:
Sander, P. M. 2000. Long bone histology of the Tendaguru sauropods: Implications for growth and biology. Paleobiology 26:466-488.
Sander, P. M., N. Klein, E. Buffetaut, G. Cuny, V. Suteethorn, and J. Le Loeuff 2004. Adaptive radiation in sauropod dinosaurs: Bone histology indicates rapid evolution of giant body size through acceleration. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 4:165-173.
Sander, P. M., and N. Klein 2005. Developmental plasticity in the life history of a prosauropod dinosaur. Science 310:1800-1802.
Sander, P. M., and N. Klein 2006. An unusual bone histology and growth pattern in/ Ampelosaurus atacis/, a titanosaurid sauropod from South France. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26:85A.
Sander, P. M., O. Mateus, T. Laven, and N. Knötschke 2006. Bone histology indicates insular dwarfism in a new Late Jurassic sauropod dinosaur. Nature 441:739-741.
Requirements - Master´s degree or equivalent in either paleontology or geology or zoology, background in vertebrate paleontology and/or bone histology, ability to work on a light microscope and to work quantitatively, including appropriate computer skills. Fluency in spoken and written English is required. Applications should include CV, copies of diplomas and/or college course transcripts, names, mail and e-mail addresses of all recent advisers, list of publications, and a short (one paragraph) statement of research/career interests. All applications are to be sent by mail or e-mail to:
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Sander
Institut fuer Palaeontologie. Nussallee 8
53115 Bonn. Germany
Posting Date: January 22, 2007. Closing Date: March 4, 2007
martes, enero 23, 2007
Microraptor era planeador

La revista norteamericana PNAS acaba de publicar un artículo reestudiando la capacidad de vuelo de uno de los más famosos dinosaurios de la Formación Yixian (China). Los investigadores Sankar Chatterjee y Jack Templin, del Museo del Departamento de Geociencias de la Universidad Tecnológica de Texas (EE UU), señalan que su nueva evaluación de las articulaciones de las patas de Microraptor gui, así como la orientación de las plumas indican que la posición en tándem no les habría permitido elevarse ni caminar sobre el suelo. En una simulación informática demuestran que Microraptor podía subir y bajar en el aire en una operación ideal para recorrer las copas de los árboles y por tanto sería un dinosaurio planeador, no habiéndo alcanzado el vuelo activo.
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Programa Synthesis

Nos ha llegado información sobre la nueva convocatoria de Synthesis.
El plazo de recepción de candidaturas está abierto hasta el 30 de marzo. Este programa subvencionado por la Unión Europea permite utilizar las infraestructuras de varios centros científicos en Europa. En España el Real Jardín Botánico y el Museo
Nacional de Ciencias Naturales.
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