Un puesto de trabajo en la Universidad de California al alcance de pocos, pero si alguno puede y se anima os adjuntamos la información
The Department of Integrative Biology at the University of California, Berkeley is seeking an outstanding scientist for a tenured position (Associate Professor or Professor) in Paleobiology. Applicants with a Ph.D.
and an exceptional research record in any area of Paleobiology (taxon or process-based) will be given serious consideration. This position will include a 5 year appointment as Director of the University of California
Museum of Paleontology, thus previous administrative experience will also be advantageous. Candidates must also have a strong interest in undergraduate and graduate teaching and will be expected to contribute to instruction in paleobiology as well as in their specific area of expertise.
Interested applicants should send a CV, bibliography, a brief description of research and administrative accomplishments and objectives, statement of teaching interests, selected reprints, and the names and addresses of three referees to the address below. Applications must be received by 15 July 2008. Applications should be submitted electronically via email to: Berkeley.Paleobiology@gmail.com or via: