Nos ha llegado información por Paleonet para aprender a muestrear por parte de los futuros investigadores. La actividad la organiza la Universidad de North Carolina (EE.UU.). Os la adjuntamos a continuación
Applications are invited for participation in the 2010 Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Biodiversity Conservation program. The program will be held this summer at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and includes faculty mentors from UNCW, UNC Chapel Hill, and the Paleontological Research Institution.
Program Summary: A multidisciplinary group of students and faculty will compare fossil, archeological and modern marine samples to study how the marine ecosystem has changed through time. We will determine the degree and nature of human impact, assess the health of the modern system, and identify possible approaches to protecting biodiversity.
Activities include the following:
* Collecting and studying fossils to reconstruct changes in the marine ecosystem over the past 3 million years
* Applying archeological techniques to American Indian shell midden materials to examine the marine system before intensive human influences
* Participating in research cruises and examining the health of the modern marine fauna
* Exploring environmental management implications of this work
Dates: June 1 - July 30, 2010. Application Deadline: February 15, 2010.
Eligibility: Eligible participants include rising juniors and seniors in Archeology/American Indian Studies, Biology, Environmental Studies, Geology/Paleontology and Marine Sciences or related fields. Members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply! Please note: National Science Foundation regulations require that participants be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions.
Financial Support: Students receive $ 450.00 a week stipend for 8 weeks. All expenses paid. Round-trip transportation to Wilmington. Free housing in university apartments. Allowance for food and other expenses. Funds to continue your research at your home institution. Travel support to present your research results
For further information and the online application, please see our website at or contact Patricia Kelley at