Nuestra aragosaurera Gloria Cuenca acaba de ser elegida como
directora del IUCA. El Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Ambientales
de Aragón agrupa a casí 200 investigadores con perfiles diferenciados,
hay químicos, geólogos, geografos, arqueólogos etc. Su objetivo es
profundizar sobre el conocimiento del ambiente desde todos los ámbitos. A
pesar de no correr buenos tiempos para la ciencia en España por la
falta de financiación, seguro que Gloria da todo lo que tiene para el
IUCA siga creciendo y consolidándose
Estamos contigo Gloria.
¡Enhorabuena¡ En este enlace podéis leer toda la información sobre su
plan de actuación y los que la conozcáis su expectacular curriculo
The Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR) vision is to be the leader in using the state\'s natural and cultural resources to build the social, cultural, educational and economic future of North Carolina. Our mission is to improve the quality of life in our state by creating opportunities to experience excellence in the arts, history, libraries and nature in North Carolina by stimulating learning, inspiring creativity, preserving the state\'s history, conserving the state\'s natural heritage, encouraging recreation and cultural tourism, and promoting economic development.
The NC Museum of Natural Sciences mission is to illuminate the interdependence of nature and humanity. It is the state\'s most visited museum, the largest institution of its kind in the southeast US, a National Medal recipient from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and an innovative player in the global field of nature and science museums. The Museum is adding a new section titled Community Engagement to its integrated structure comprising resource administration, collections and research, living collections, exhibits and digital media, education onsite, offsite, online and outdoors, and development in concert with the Friends of the Museum.
Description of Work: This position of Research Curator, Paleontology, has several areas of responsibility, including:
1.- Development of an original scientific research program in Paleontology (vertebrate or invertebrate; taxon unspecified, but non-archosaur focus is preferred); research could involve systematics (taxonomy, phylogenetics), evolution, ecology, and/or related fields; research may have local, regional, and/or international focus and will include pursuit of external research funding, data generation and analyses, and publication/dissemination of results; some aspects of this research should, ideally, include collaborations with other agencies, universities, and/or citizen scientists. 2.- Curatorial responsibilities for the Paleontology Research Collection, including maintenance and growth of collection, migrating collections data to database format, specimen loan activities, and setting curatorial best-practice guidelines for collection. 3.- Assisting Paleontology Unit Head with the operational management and administration of the Paleontology Unit, a subdivision of the Research & Collections section; duties may include supervision of laboratory with oversight of equipment, budgets, and personnel. 4.- Participation in science communication initiatives, including participation in Museum educational programming, delivering public science-based presentations, conducting tours, interacting with Museum visitors, serving as a role model for students and citizen scientists, and creating programmatic themes that raise the science literacy of visitors.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities / Competencies:
1.- Considerable taxonomic/systematic knowledge of Paleontology, in general, and of some taxonomic groups (vertebrate, invertebrate, or paleobotany, but non-archosaurian preferred), specifically experience applying principles and practices of research, with special expertise in at least one aspect of Paleontological systematics (taxonomy, phylogenetics), evolution, ecology, and/or related fields. 2.- Demonstrated mastery of materials, equipment, and techniques used in relevant research (laboratory based protocols and fieldwork) and specimen collection curatorial activities. 3.- Demonstrated track record of effective and creative science communication to diverse audiences. 4.- Experience managing/supervising research projects, a research laboratory, and/or personnel. 5.- Experience in preparing grant proposals to fund paleontological research and/or administering budgets supporting research or collections-related activities. 6.- Experience in publishing technical science papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Minimum Education and Experience Requirements:
Possession of a master\'s degree in biology, zoology, or a science curriculum related to area of expertise and three years of experience in specialty area; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
Preferred: A Ph.D. in paleontology or related science field.
Additional Information to include: Applicants should attach: a current CV; contact information for 3 personal references; and a vision statement outlining their short and long term research goals, their approach to collection curation, and their philosophy and objectives regarding science communication.
Rowan Lockwood Professor Dept of Geology The College of William and Mary
próxima semana comenzamos la excavación de un gran saurópodo del
Cretácico Superior en Neuquén (Argentina). Van a participar los
aragosaureros José Ignacio Canudo y José Manuel Gasca. Tenemos unas
enormes expectativas con excavación que puede ser una de las mejores que
hemos participado en la Patagonia.
La excavación forma parte del
proyecto de investigación llamado “La conexión ibero-patagónica con
dinosaurios” que llevamos desarrollando desde hace más de 15 años con
colegas argentinas. En esta campaña vamos a participar la Universidad de
Río Negro (Leonardo Salgado), el Museo Olsacher de Nequén (Alberto
Garrido), Museo de Trelew (José Carballido) y el Museo de la Plata
(Alejandor Otero). El yacimiento que vamos a excavar lo encontramos hace
unos cinco años en una zona que se denomino “Cerro del Maño” situado en
la parte baja de la formación Candeleros (base del Cretácico Superior).
la foto se puede ver lo primero que encontramos en el yacimiento. Son
varias vertebras caudales media articuladas de un saurópodo
titanosaurio. Esperemos que no sean las únicos y podamas descubrir un
ejemplar lo más completo posible. El equipo va va con mucha ilusión, ya
que podría tratarse de titanosaurio nuevo y bastante compleo. La Campaña
durará 2 semanas, tiempo que estaremos acampados cerca del yacimiento
ya que está muy alejada la localidad más cercana. Las noticias de la
campaña os las daremos a la vuelta