Nuestra colega Ann Molineux de la Universidad de Texas nos ha enviado un mensaje sobre un sesión interesante sobre la conservación de colecciones geológicas y paleontológicas. Os la adjuntamos porque tiene una gran pinta.
We draw your attention to our timely topical session concerning geological and paleobiological collections, at the upcoming GSA annual meeting in Denver, Colorado. Abstracts are due August 10th.
T113. Geological and Paleobiological Collections: Best Practices for Preservation, Access, and Use in a Changing World
This session provides an opportunity for geoscientists to examine ways to access geological and paleobiological specimens and effective methods to retrieve their related data, underscoring the inherent value of such resources for innovative research and education. As geoscience departments of many colleges and universities are reevaluating their priorities, the value and utility of the fundamental building blocks of past studies are coming under question. In addition, many museums have large backlogs of uncataloged and unprocessed materials that also present challenges for potential research and teaching purposes. In order to access these collections we need to investigate methods for assessing risk, value and priority for curation, improved collections care and the management of specimens and related information. The availability of new methodologies, database applications and internet resources has greatly increased the ability to efficiently manage geological and paleobiological collections for research, education and outreach. Other scientific disciplines, such as biological informatics that has lead to many innovations for collections access and use will be explored. There is a wealth of research and educational opportunities available for existing geological and paleobiological collections. The use of emerging technologies, widespread access to the Internet and construction of online “virtual collections" and data portals, using such data retrieval protocols as DiGIR, are making collections related information accessible to geoscientists and other scientists looking to test hypothesis regarding earth processes and the history of life. We welcome submissions that describe innovative research made possible through use of these collections and associated information.”