This edition "Science and Past: Studying and Preserving Organic and Biomaterial Heritage" is focused on the development and use of scientific techniques in order to extract archaeological, historical and conservation information from organic and biomaterials belonging to our cultural heritage. In this edition, special focus will be given on understand and preserve these type of materials through an in-depth scientific approach.
The lectures are addressed to students, researchers and professionals in chemistry, physics, geology, biology, archaeology, conservation science, palaeontology, etc., to acquire a solid knowledge on the state of art of this topic, applied to the study, safeguarding, conservation and authentication of material heritage.
Program and activities will include topics on:
- Introduction: scientific analysis and cultural heritage materials
- Analytical techniques for organic materials
- Characterization of resins, lacquers, oils, fats, ...
- Biomaterials: bones, teeth, ancient DNA, ...
- Studies on wood, paper, cotton, wool, ...
- Techniques for the imaging, microexamination and analysis of materials
Course coordinator:
Dr. Josefina Pérez-Arantegui (Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales-Universidad de Zaragoza)
Please use this on-line registration form for the registration
Registration fees:
Early registration (until February 27th, 2019): 80 € students; 150 € seniors.
Late registration (from February 28th, 2019): 100 € students; 200 € seniors.
More information: http://iuca.unizar.es/noticia/science-and-past-studying-and-preserving-organic-and-biomaterial-heritage/