miércoles, enero 25, 2017

El primate agricultor


Nº de páginas: 336
Precio: 19,80 euros
Este libro es un ensayo de divulgación científica en el que se trata de hacer un relato secuencial, casi “histórico”, del “primate agricultor”, desde el “Big Bang” o principio del Universo a la formación de la Tierra, la aparición de la vida, la evolución de los seres vivos, el surgimiento de los “primates”, la aparición de los seres humanos, la vida de los humanos en el Paleolítico, el Neolítico (el descubrimiento de la agricultura y de la domesticación de animales) y, finalmente, al papel de la agricultura en muchos aspectos: las clases sociales, las miserias que trajo consigo, la escritura, el imperialismo colonial, la revolución verde y la agricultura ecológica, los sectores económicos, las dietas, la cocina, la multifuncionalidad de la actividad agraria, la modificación del paisaje…

1.- Los seres humanos en la historia del planeta Tierra
2.- El planeta Tierra en el Universo
3.- Somos primates
4.- Un homo sapiens llamado Darwin
5.- La evolución funciona por saltos repentinos: las mutaciones
6.- Luca, el primer ser vivo
7.- Los primates en el árbol… de la vida
9.- El Homo. Nuestros primeros padres: unos primates hábiles y erectos
10.- Los Homo actuales: los primates sabios
11.- Alimentación, cocina e inteligencia. La caza y el fuego
12.- Mujeres y hombres paleolíticos. Recolección, caza, plantas alucinógenas y sexo
13.- El Neolítico: la llegada de la agricultura
14.- Agricultura, “pecado original” y alcohol
15.- Agricultura y clases sociales
16.- Algunas miserias que trajo la agricultura
17.- Agricultura, letras, números y lentejas
18.- La agricultura en el imperialismo colonial
19.- Malthus, la revolución verde y la agricultura ecológica
20.- Sectores económicos, agricultores y campesinos, flacos y gordos, dietas y cocineros.
21.- La multifuncionalidad de la agricultura y las ayudas públicas
22.- El paisaje culto

Este relato histórico-cultural es también un homenaje a más de 100 científicos que han hecho posible, desde Copérnico hasta nuestros días (Galileo, Linneo, Newton, Curie, Einstein, Hawking y un largo etcétera), el estado actual de los conocimientos que se exponen, entre ellos 30 Premios Nobel. Por otro lado en el texto se CITAN 58 libros y 107 artículos científicos publicados en revistas con alto reconocimiento (42 en Science, 28 en Nature, 11 en PNAS, etc.) que el autor ha manejado. Pero, además de información científica, en este libro se comentan multitud de acontecimientos históricos y se traen a colación hechos, sucesos, pensamientos, dichos, anécdotas e incluso chascarrillos de multitud de personajes:  26 personajes bíblicos,  53 personajes históricos (reyes, emperadores, faraones, presidentes de naciones o jefes de gobierno, papas, obispos, descubridores, conquistadores, etc.) y otros 36 personajes diversos  (dramaturgos, escritores, filósofos, santos, artistas, directores de cine, actores, astronautas, cocineros, deportistas, etc.). Todos ellos figuran además, como apéndice al final del volumen, en una  “lista onomástica de citas”, con indicación de la página o páginas del libro donde son citados.

lunes, enero 23, 2017

Position of director of the National Research Centre on Human Evolution (CENIEH)


Object of the Call
A selection process to cover the position of Director of the National Research Centre on Human Evolution (Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana, CENIEH) is called in virtue of the agreement adopted by its Governing Council the 16th January 2017.
The selection process will be openly managed, according to the requirements and steps explained as follows, and respecting, in any case, the principles of capacity, merit, publicity and competition.
The duration of the contract will be temporary, for a period of four years, although it could be extended in consecutive two-year periods.

Job description
The Director will work for the promotion of the CENIEH’s Strategic Plan, for the consecution of its strategic objectives:
O1:        To promote excellence
O2:        To meet the criteria required for the ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures)
O3:        To set up an open infrastructure to the scientific, technological and industrial community
O4:        To boost and promote the reception of palaeontological collections, mainly those coming from Atapuerca site
O5:        To establish a management system of resources to guarantee the efficiency, transparency and responsibility
O6:        To strengthen the international visibility of CENIEH
O7:        To increase the visibility of CENIEH through a distinctive communication strategy
O8:        To improve the scientific and technological results
O9:        To achieve the necessary funding to face the objectives of CENIEH
The Director will perform the responsibilities described in the Statutes of the Consortium (article 15), to obtain the maximum achievement of its aims (article 3). His/her functions will be, among others:
  • To direct and administrate the Center, as well as safeguard its scientific excellence
  • To contract the work, service and supply projects up to the maximum amount authorized by the Government Council, as well as to follow up their execution
  • To prepare the documentation of the matters which must be presented to the Governing Council and the Executive Board for their consideration, and to report all what is necessary for the correct execution of their competencies
  • To follow up the actions executed at CENIEH
  • The selection, contracting and direction of CENIEH’s personnel, taking into consideration the guidelines set out by the Governing Council, the Executive Board and the compliance of the objectives fixed in CENIEH’s action plans
  • To propose, for approval by the Executive Board, the scientific program, by previously seeking the opinion of the Scientific Advisory Committee
  • To ask for the opinion of the advisory bodies in the cases stated in articles 16 and 17, as well as in every other one which he/she considers appropriate
  • The management, custody and conservation of the patrimony defined in article 19 of the Statutes
  • The management of CENIEH financial resources, ordering and executing expenses, and contracting obligations in accordance with the approved budget
  • The exercise before courts of any kind of judicial actions
  • To arrange and sign the agreements and commitments necessary for the running of CENIEH, within the frame determined by the Governing Council
  • To develop and present to the Executive Board the draft of CENIEH annual budget, the report over the annual accounts and the proposal for the liquidation of the past budget
  • To develop and present to the Executive Board the draft Annual Action Plan
  • To develop the draft of the Annual Report
  • To execute the agreements undertaken by the Governing Council and the Executive Board
  • To authorize the access requests, based on the proposal of the Access Committee
  • Any other powers delegated by the Governing Council or the Executive Board
The Director will be hired or temporally assigned with an exclusive and full-time dedication to CENIEH. His/her role as Director of CENIEH will be incompatible with other professional activities in the private or public sector.

Desired skills and experience

Candidate’s Requirements
Senior scientist with a remarkable career in CENIEH’s areas of interest.
It will be valued:
  • Experience in the direction of, management of and participation at competitive national and international projects
  • Experience in the direction of research centers or institutions, or large research infrastructures
Selection process:
  • Assessment and evaluation of the candidates’ CV and descriptive report 
  • Personal interview with the candidates (in Spanish or in English)
The place, date and hour of the interview will be notified in writing to the candidates.

Selection Commission, appointment and starting date
Under the agreement of the Governing Council on the 16th January 2017, the selection process will be carried out by a Selection Commission which. Once concluded, an appointment proposal (based on a motivated report) will be raised to the Governing Council so that it will carry out the appointment stating the starting date.
The Selection Commission will be made up of seven people: five scientists or technologists of recognized national and international prestige, preferably in the areas of interest at CENIEH; as well as a representative of the Regional Government of Castile and Leon, and a representative of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (the two latter with voice but without vote).

Those interested must submit
  • Application for participating in the selection process
  • Extended Curriculum Vitae, including contact email and telephone number, as well as the candidature motivation and the suitability for this position
  • Brief descriptive report of the Strategic Plan Project to be implemented in CENIEH (10 sheets maximum)
These documents must be sent for the attention of the Secretary of the Selection Commission,

These documents must be sent for the attention of the Secretary of the Selection Commission, to the following email address: seleccionCENIEH@mineco.es

 All applications received will be treated confidentially. The candidate takes responsibility for the truthfulness of the data exposed in the CV and agrees to proof it should it be requested.

Deadline for candidatures submission Before 24:00h (Central European time, GMT+1) of 28th February 2017. 

Publicity of the communications
  • The call and the communications which come out of the selection process will be published at the CENIEH web page
  • They may also be published in any other media considered appropriate, such as: press, international magazines in the area, etc

About the employer

The National Research Center on Human Evolution (CENIEH)
CENIEH is a scientific and technical infrastructure opened to the use of the scientific and technological community, that facilitates research into the field of Human Evolution during Pliocene and Pleistocene eras, promoting awareness and transfer of knowledge to society as well as supporting collaboration with excavations at archaeological sites form these periods, both in Spain and in other parts of the world. Besides, CENIEH is also responsible for the conservation, restoration, management and record of palaeontological collections from the excavations at Atapuerca and other sites, both nationally and internationally, with similar characteristics that reach agreements with the Center.
CENIEH is the only infrastructure contained in the Map of Unique Scientific and Technical infrastructure (ICTS) in the field of Humanities.
The center was created as a Consortium between the Ministry of Economy, Industry and
Competitiveness (MINECO) and the Regional Government of Castile and Leon (JCyL), although it depends formally to the State General Administration since May 2016. The Government and Administration bodies of the Consortium are the Governing Council, the Executive Board and the Director.

domingo, enero 22, 2017

Explorando el bing bang de la vida en Murero

Os dejamos el enlace del tercer capítulo de la "Paleontología aragonesa a través de sus yacimientos" que ha preparado el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Este capítulo trata sobre los yacimientos cámbricos de Murero (Zaragoza) famosos sobre todo por sus trilobites. De la mano de los paleontólogos Rodolfo Gozalo, María Eugenia Dies y de nuestro aragosaurero José Ignacio Canudo vamos viendo la historia, los fósiles y las historias que nos puede contar Murero

Muy interesante